Title |
Δ |
FactoryGirl: Creating a User that requires a Program to already exist
-2.26 |
Ruby sort - why rspec error when "expected: [7, 6, 5, 5, 4, 3,...
+0.58 |
Find max value in a class in ruby
-0.62 |
Alternate of any_number_of_times method in stubs
+0.46 |
Failure/Error: before { visit signup_path } NameError: undefined lo...
-0.54 |
stubbing File.expand_path in rspec/rails 4
+0.46 |
Alternative to rspec double that does not fail test even if allow r...
0.00 |
Breaks within Each and If statements not behaving quite how I want...
-1.01 |
What does an empty intersection of two ruby arrays return?
0.00 |
No route matches [GET] "/password_resets/edit"
0.00 |
Ruby: String Ranges in a Pig Latin translator
-0.08 |
What is a regex to match ONLY an empty string?
0.00 |
Rspec View test model stub variable not passing to the view for loop
0.00 |
Rspec before block parameters?
0.00 |
How to write a model spec to test PgSearch text_search query method...
0.00 |
Rails 4 automatically generated RSpec test for delete is failing, e...
-0.32 |
Method to give number of favorites in has_many through relationship
-0.52 |
signed-in User can't seem to be signed-in
+0.03 |
How to write mock for Model method that calls a mailer
0.00 |
How do I retrieve the string value of a letter in an array?
+1.19 |
Hartl Chapter Error Before 9.1.3
0.00 |
What does uninitialized constant mean?
-0.04 |
Factory girl and rspec unit testing
+0.46 |
Ruby dynamic "typecasting" using class names stored in a...
-0.03 |
How can I test that email was sent after creation of object
0.00 |
Rails ActionMailer "Pretty Name" Prevents Send
+1.81 |
Two has_many_through Relationships To Same Model
0.00 |
Matching repeated pattern in string
-0.54 |
Can tags in Rspec be ANDed or ORed?
0.00 |
Determining total number of HABTM associations through class_name
0.00 |
How to find a model id and fields for an individual user in rails?
+0.44 |
How to write a stub with RSpec for a Rails method which calls a blo...
-0.06 |
Using rspec to test a method on an object that's a property of an o...
0.00 |
Rspec expect assigns shorthand
0.00 |
Rspec similar code for testing DELETE request gives different results
+0.46 |
using tags in rspec for breaking down agile development
0.00 |
Rails response.should be_success is never true
+0.20 |
error on tags table in spec but it is in database on a schema load
0.00 |
SQL Update based on aggregate record set
-0.07 |
is there a way to alias `describe` .. `it` to `di` in ruby / rspec
0.00 |
Rails 4 - syntax error, unexpected tIDENTIFIER, expecting end-of-in...
+0.45 |
looping through scan and replacing matches individually
+0.45 |
Ruby on Rails - ActiveRecord::Relation count method is wrong?
-0.28 |
Regex for integers 7-12 digits long
-0.49 |
Regular Expression for Ignoring Files that Begin and End with a Seq...
0.00 |
Rails ActiveRecord where clause not working
0.00 |
Let method failing to generate variable correctly
-0.06 |
RSpec let method not generating variable
+2.30 |
Rails Tutorial chapter 9.1.1 sign_in unrecognised
0.00 |
Rails has_many, habtm SQL join not returning any results
0.00 |