Title |
Δ |
SQL select statement with AND and OR operators issue
+0.36 |
Delayed expansion doesn't work inside delayed expansion
-0.14 |
Syntax for specific RegEx in command line FINDSTR call
0.00 |
Using a batch file to create a newline for each instance of a keyword
-0.67 |
Group Files Equally Based on Size into 'n' number of groups
-0.17 |
Append current date and time in filename with batch file
0.00 |
Batch code to read a file and check if all records of the specified...
0.00 |
How to rename multiple files using a windows batch file script
0.00 |
What languages are recommended to insert output from windows cli in...
+0.35 |
Can I use a variable as the search string using the FIND command in...
+1.52 |
Batch file not saving result in logs
0.00 |
Is there a "set -e" for a DOS batch script?
+0.35 |
How to Get the list of sub folders in a Directory that do not conta...
0.00 |
Need help writing a batch file to read a MS Access .ldb lock file w...
0.00 |
Reading second argument in batch file if first argument has commas
-2.39 |
Prime numbers in batch
+0.61 |
read from file via batch file
+1.36 |
Windows batch file to run jar file multiple times
+0.34 |
how to convert string into an integer in a batch file ?
0.00 |
Dos echo, writing a text string that contains a backslash, isues wi...
+0.30 |
Bat file find folder of file
+1.81 |
Windows batch setlocal enabledelayedexpansion call return value
+1.54 |
batch: get last folder name from path from txt
+0.31 |
Windows batch FOR command tab delimiter
+1.03 |
Find a string in a table and return a value MSDOS
0.00 |
How to replace double quotes in findstr batch file
+0.34 |
How to clear variables after each batch script run?
0.00 |
How to search lines of text file for specific keyword and store str...
-0.49 |
How to include a value from an external bat script
-0.17 |
How to handle input arugments to Batch file?
-0.16 |
How to escape percent (%) when using parameters in a FOR loop?
+1.66 |
search and replace file names - bug fix
0.00 |
batch search and replace folders names
0.00 |
Unable to echo user input values to file in Batch script
+0.32 |
Batch file to do everything in a directory
-0.16 |
If else function in .bat script + findstr command
-0.18 |
Copy file as another name if file exist
0.00 |
Copying text files containing Cyrillic to a different destination u...
+0.33 |
skip=!count! is not working in windows(7) batch file
+0.99 |
Batch file to pull a random string from a file and loop a random nu...
0.00 |
Batch FOR loop with asterisk
-0.41 |
How to create file extension that behaves as .cmd/.bat?
-1.14 |
Date Mon==Sun was unexpected at this time
0.00 |
Ignoring Null or Enter in Batch
+0.68 |
DOS Batch file - Copy file based on filename elements
-1.01 |
Splitting string using delayed expansion limitation
-0.34 |
How to copy random image from a folder to other folder use batch fi...
-0.18 |
How to avoid batch line limit (8191 chars per line)?
+0.21 |
Why does the DOS "path" command repeat entries?
+0.33 |
Assign every two characters to a letter of the alphabet using batch
-0.63 |