Title |
Δ |
Using if_else, I can't return the column used as the conditiona...
0.00 |
Removing suffix from column names using rename_all?
+0.66 |
How does R handle closing of data base connections
0.00 |
how to make double for loops faster in R
+0.24 |
Convert data frame columns to factor with indexing
0.00 |
How do you format multiline R package messages?
+0.52 |
Sapply function confuses me
-0.27 |
for loop speeding in R
-0.49 |
how to arrange odd numbers in descending and even even numbers in a...
-0.10 |
Data Storage in Shiny App using RODBC
+2.22 |
How can I simplify my code in R?
-1.67 |
Why does the n variable need to be directly in the while-loop
0.00 |
Excluding certain combinations from combn function in R
+0.36 |
Shiny initial textAreaInput value and reactive after each button pr...
0.00 |
Regular expression in R - extract only match
+0.42 |
R: using ifelse statement to check if column exists, then perform c...
+0.49 |
how to calculate p-value for 48 columns and save the results
+0.00 |
R trouble reshaping matrix to 1 column, byrow T or F same result
+0.51 |
Rmarkdown knitting YAML LaTeX error
0.00 |
implementing sign test in r for a small sample size
0.00 |
R-using the paste function in a loop is causing me problems
0.00 |
How to get the package name of a function in R?
-0.50 |
Function not evaluating as expected due to ID10T error
+0.48 |
Shiny checkbox observe event stuck in infinite loop
0.00 |
Efficient way to join with timeintervals in R
0.00 |
'for' loop on columns with multiple numbers in name, R
0.00 |
Rotate or Angle Rmarkdown Table Column Names
0.00 |
SQL -What is the best way to search for a specific range in a colum...
+0.49 |
How can I use checkboxGroupInput in Shiny to control several reacti...
-0.10 |
Is there a function in R, which returns number of significant digits?
0.00 |
Generic button for go to next and previous tabItem Shiny
-1.99 |
R. huge vector of 2 character strings
0.00 |
tables rmarkdown cellpadding
0.00 |
RODBC and Microsoft SQL Server: Truncating Long Character Strings
0.00 |
Using ifelse function by group
-1.98 |
Trying to use Shiny SelectBox to Grab Data from SQL Server Table
+1.32 |
Alternative to if statement in R
-0.35 |
convert list output from tapplying quantile() into an array with qu...
0.00 |
How to use arrange_ in my function?
+2.26 |
The index of second, third,.. min with apply function
-2.51 |
How to pull column names from multiple tables using R
0.00 |
Loop to generate string and variables
0.00 |
Including a TeX comment in rmarkdown/knitr document (or pandoc ->...
+2.35 |
Use Shiny App to Query a SQL Server DB
0.00 |
In sweave, xtable, only rotate some column names
-1.06 |
generate N(0,1) using uniform(0,1) in R
+1.23 |
Character extraction in R?
-0.95 |
How to avoid a for-loop when creating several UI elements based on...
0.00 |
Change heading and include bold font in xtable to .pdf from RMarkdown
0.00 |
Calculating change of values between same day in different years
-0.18 |