Title |
Δ |
Regular Expression positive and negative decimal value in objective c
0.00 |
Correct __bridge usage with ARC and C++ interop? (how to avoid memo...
0.00 |
occurrence of a character in a NSString
-0.42 |
UIView drawRect() : fill everything except polygon
+0.40 |
Fragment Shader - Average Luminosity
-0.45 |
App crashes only with (lldb)?
-0.96 |
How to use GLKMathProject? [GLKit - iOS]
0.00 |
"Missing [super dealloc]" warning in an ARC project
0.00 |
mutableCopy and ARC causing me memory issues?
0.00 |
How do I release a CGImageRef in iOS
+0.74 |
NSNumber has unsignedIntValue and unsignedLongValue. I thought they...
+1.78 |
Necessary to release subviews in ARC?
+1.82 |
Is it safe to assigning a static string to a property, and then rel...
0.00 |
XCode Instrument - Allocations Instrument not finding zombies
0.00 |
Detect iPhone fall while the app runs in background
+0.39 |
Shorthand for all bools YES or all bools NO?
-1.56 |
Objective-c: Reference to ivar persistent? Good idea?
-1.02 |
How can I check that NSDate is between two times?
+1.70 |
Avoiding Stretching Stroke when Using CGContextScaleCTM
0.00 |
How does this simple FxAA work?
0.00 |
NSURL Path format error
0.00 |
Why are the angles on my concentric circles increasingly smaller?
+1.01 |
Synchronizing UIView animation speed with audio playback
+1.64 |
Can one object be initialized in the main thread and have its metho...
0.00 |
App Delegate's lifecycle (iOS)
0.00 |
EXC_BAD_ACCESS and stringByAppendingString
-0.09 |
Expected Identifier Error?
0.00 |
Weird crash error on iPhone
-0.91 |
accessing properties from blocks, Objective C
+0.41 |
Conditional compilation Xcode using preprocessor macros
-0.51 |
How to get the caller's class Name in objective C while using inher...
+0.40 |
How to exctract data from NSURL
0.00 |
Draw CGGradient On Enclosed Path
0.00 |
Linker command failed with exit code 1 In Xcode
0.00 |
Is Quartz 2D in iOS the same as in Mac OS X?
0.00 |
Code in Objective C 2008 Does not compile
-2.48 |
How to convert SubView's Frame Coordinate System to Self View's Coo...
0.00 |
Which is a better way of reusing an array: instantiating an array,...
0.00 |
iOS How to fill NSMutableArray with searchString?
+0.13 |
Objective-C stable ABI
0.00 |
Why VM Tracker is empty?
0.00 |
cellForRowAtIndexPath: Is it XCode template correct?
0.00 |
ios - setting a standardUserDefaults while running the simulator do...
+0.41 |
A blocks for-loop with UI callbacks
0.00 |
App Crash, no idea why
+0.38 |
Code Re-use in C++ - Any suggestions?
+1.52 |
How to know when the user presses the hard button on iOS device bef...
-0.13 |
iOS - how do I check if a string is numeric or not?
0.00 |
How to call a UIView subclass method from its UIViewController?
0.00 |
Join two Rects in Core Graphics
-2.70 |