Title |
Δ |
Android - how to obtain spreadsheet form key
0.00 |
Share private key in android development
-2.70 |
Android run app secretly in background
-0.78 |
Not storing the EditText vlaue in a string
+0.92 |
Android getActivity() is undefined
+0.07 |
query sqllite database by the first letter of an entry
-1.14 |
Reliability of the Activity Lifecycle (onPause to onDestory)
0.00 |
Users in android
0.00 |
+0.36 |
One button go back and forth between 2 pages
+0.05 |
i use Display.getsize(point) method and there occur an error: no su...
0.00 |
is it required to put this class in the manifest file? class not ex...
0.00 |
Simple rectangle area calculation crash
0.00 |
Why do I get exception when uses SDK version specified?
+1.31 |
Not getting RelativeLayout's getHeight() after setting Visibility V...
-0.64 |
getWidth() returns 0 if set by android:layout_width="match_par...
+0.39 |
android - how to create multiple user profile in jelly bean by code?
0.00 |
how to give auto update functionality in my android apps
0.00 |
Simply show pictures in webview using buttons (Android SDK)
0.00 |
Android mail application(how to)
0.00 |
is it possible to call more packages in single project,without inst...
0.00 |
No such column name sqlite android
0.00 |
Still working in Android Login
-0.69 |
android SQLite database removed after uninstall
+1.32 |
"is library" project is red crossed
-0.72 |
Android: How to execute some code only when I update the app on mar...
0.00 |
Auto-update of Android app, without asking a user
0.00 |
Contacts code separated from 4.0.3
0.00 |
Canvas.drawArc() doesn't draw anything
0.00 |
Android-How prevent manual installation of android application
-0.30 |
How to implement Rate It feature in Android App
+0.37 |
How to grab EMS value from a view
0.00 |
I want to initiate my activity anytime using Volume up/down hardwar...
0.00 |
Is there a max number of icons I can store in an ActionBar?
0.00 |
How can I show a toast for a specific duration?
+0.56 |
Can't find app on Google Play but can see it from URL
0.00 |
How to secure downloaded images Android
+0.36 |
Published application not showing in developers link
0.00 |
How to prevent automatic show toast message when creation app short...
0.00 |
Creating a Toast inside onRecieve() method of a BroadcastReceiver
+1.81 |
Android private key issues.
+0.35 |
OntouchListener is not working properly
0.00 |
Intent setDataAndType as bitmap
+1.35 |
Android Webview programmatically change the orientation of the disp...
+0.38 |
Error when attempting to create/add data to SQLite database
0.00 |
Change Default Contact Manager to My own
0.00 |
Can't Resolve Android Resource Strings
+0.38 |
is it possible downloading application from my web site
+0.36 |
How to manage/disable home button on Android 4.0?
0.00 |
Why my android app crashes with "Unfortunately myapp stopped&q...
+0.40 |