Title |
Δ |
Remove sequential duplicate word separated by delimiter
0.00 |
Arrange the list alphabetically python2
0.00 |
Python decoding String with json
0.00 |
update value of a key in a dictionary
+3.76 |
Type error while trying to put all values from keys to list
+3.81 |
How, from input-string, generate number (/sum) from assigned values...
+3.69 |
How to replace a variable with nothing if certain conditions are me...
-4.21 |
Finding Max aggregate of list of Tuples
+0.99 |
Get numbers from user, put them in a list, and find the biggest odd...
+4.09 |
how can i add a for loop to reduce this code?
+4.05 |
Making a text file which will contain my list items and applying re...
+4.01 |
How to convert list's values to dict's values
-0.25 |
Python check if a string has characters
+4.05 |
regex expected value in a postion depends on a random value in anot...
-1.70 |
Is there a possibility to scrape an entire job offering database?
0.00 |
How to take different datatype as input in single line
+2.71 |
Couting string occurrences on a table using Python
+2.77 |
How to compare the same dict after a change has been applied? (Pyth...
-3.61 |
How would I search for certain length strings?
0.00 |
Match first of two conditions
+1.47 |
Array single field update multiply
-3.86 |
How to skip text at the beginning of a json file in python
-4.13 |
Extracting data from a .txt file
-0.96 |
Spacing issue when render template through python
0.00 |
Selenium driver.get how can i add modular link?
0.00 |
How to fix 'ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10:...
0.00 |
Need a regular expression for following code
0.00 |
How to put questions and score together in Python
-1.46 |
Extract Data from OrderedDict
0.00 |
Searching for multiple objects in list not throwing proper output
0.00 |
Json schema validating wrong instance as true
0.00 |
Regex to return integers in square brackets in a string
-1.08 |
How can I concatenate the items into a list?
+0.02 |
How to import variable from another file in python
+4.19 |
Python regex that matches any word that contains exactly n digits,...
-1.41 |
How To Find The Phone Number By Regex of Python
0.00 |
Regular expression in python finding dates
+2.25 |
Checking numbers inbetween integers in a list
-1.15 |
How to add a text after certain text found in a file in python?
0.00 |
How to take string input with given length of string?
0.00 |
Lists and functions
-1.45 |
Adding a key in an array within a JSON file using Python
0.00 |
Match all characters after the last instance of a string in regex
-2.08 |
Extracting only genres from the string
0.00 |
Can we find 2nd occurence index of a particular character in a stri...
-0.23 |
How Do I Repeat A Question Until Valid Input WIthin A Series Of Que...
0.00 |
Write to txt only prints first result of function
0.00 |
Fetching boolean value from request
-0.32 |
err: truth value of an array with more than one element is ambiguou...
0.00 |
What is the regex expression to extract 3 letter word starting with...
0.00 |