Title |
Δ |
kotlin factory for subclass
+0.50 |
Kotlin Sealed Class of same Classes
-0.52 |
Stopping an infinite flow
0.00 |
Kotlin: Generic type functions: Out-projected type ... prohibits th...
0.00 |
Checking if a KClass is an object
0.00 |
How to sort String value 75,74,105,61,76?
-0.92 |
Dynamically (at Runtime) Calling The iterator Operator Function Of...
0.00 |
Defining 'UITableViewCell' variable in Swift 2.0
+1.26 |
addObjectsFromArray to the beginning of an existing array
-0.03 |
iOS App in "Waiting for review" stage, if I release a new...
-1.54 |
Subclass UIView with Swift, use in Nib
0.00 |
Xib file on static library
0.00 |
How to make uitableview to fill all my view?
+1.66 |
Swift: dispatch_async is effect is inconsistent for animation
0.00 |
X is not a member type of Y
0.00 |
Why is AppDelegate.swift window an optional?
+0.01 |
Custom Table View Cell Drawing Wrong Height When Scrolling
+0.48 |
Override function error in swift
+1.59 |
Downcast Instantiated UITableViewCell
+0.01 |
Initializers for a custom-made button
0.00 |
unrecognized selector sent to instance in Swift?
0.00 |
How can I init this kind of Enum which contains properties and no c...
-0.01 |
Swift - Pod images not loading (not found, returns nil)
0.00 |
Swift opposite to "required", or factory design pattern w...
0.00 |
Swift error: cannot convert value of type 'Int32' to expect...
-0.64 |
when to call setNeedsStatusBarAppearanceUpdate if implementing pref...
0.00 |
How swift overloaded initializers of same datatype works?
0.00 |
Customising UIButtonType
0.00 |
Extension of Set where element is Array of specific type
+3.38 |
UITableViewController Blur Background Not Showing With Scroll
0.00 |
AVPlayerViewController not deallocating immediately
-0.27 |
remove the delete button ⛔️ on table rows in edit mode
0.00 |
extension UIAlertController convenience init warning
+4.42 |
Non breaking space doesn't work when I use join() method in Swift
0.00 |
ios :check if user submitted review
0.00 |
Creation of UIAlertController on ViewWillAppear gives warning
+0.15 |
textFieldShouldReturn called without the UITextFieldDelegate
+0.20 |
Prevent "There are multiple dependencies with different source...
0.00 |
Method with Objective-C selector conflicts - 'with' at the...
0.00 |
iOS, Pods: Special dir for some pods
+4.00 |
iOS, Pods: Special dir for some pods
-4.00 |
How to resolve designated initialization error for UITableViewContr...
+3.96 |
Segfault 11 with NSBundle(forClass:) and multiple type constraint (...
0.00 |
Empty Class in Swift Playground Gives __lldb_expr_ Error
0.00 |
how to open the iTunes review URL controller not the tap page?
-0.32 |
Is it correct to use local variable name "self" in blocks?
-2.65 |
objective C block to swift block
-4.04 |
Cannot conform to objective-c protocol in swift
+4.00 |
Swift: Dynamic Library And AFNetworking
0.00 |
Use of unresolved identifier in Swift
+4.20 |