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Title Δ
COUNTIF with interruptions within the array 0.00
A way to refer to the "Current cell" for a dynamic Condit... 0.00
Conditional formatting based on value on left cell 0.00
Spreadsheet - Im trying to find the sum of the top n numbers in two... +1.61
Check if value in row is present in other columns within same row -0.44
Excel: Match and Index based on range +2.17
How can I search for a substring in a cell, using several cells as... +0.40
excel convert the whole number to decimal places 0.00
Excel Conditional Formatting - format cell based on row number AND... 0.00
Checking Value against range of values to return item type and may... +2.21
SUMIF Match Text Add Values +1.77
Multiple Sorts on same column on a table in Excel -0.45
Google Sheet query to select one column and do two count +1.73
Creating a red/yellow/green conditional format for cell based on pe... 0.00
get the quotient used in a division in Google Sheets +0.41
how do I convert column from different characters to 10 characters... +0.42
Google charts how to display friendly time duration labels? 0.00
what's the best way to remove then add a value to a cell? 0.00
Use index + Match to get value given certain criteria 0.00
Efficient formula or code to determine number of errors in range VBA +1.35
Excel - search text within matrix with just part of the text 0.00
Scaled percentage calculator - specific percentages for different n... +0.43
How to use criteria based on a set of numbers with SUMIFS? -0.20
Listing Non Contiguous Data Without Blanks Horizontally? +2.06
Flag multiple rows of a record if one row is missing data in Excel -1.77
How to use AVERAGEIF in Google Sheets, only addressing columns with... +1.82
Sumproduct of 2 arrays with Criteria on Each 0.00
VLookup on different Excel files 0.00
How to sum specific information w/ multiple criteria including date... +1.77
Excel Nested IF with INDEX & MATCH -1.36
Match records between dates 0.00
Display the upcoming due dates based on the start date and end date... 0.00
Array formula for a rolling AVERAGEIF formula? -0.58
O365 - Providing list of holidays from 2 sources in networkdays fun... 0.00
Sum durations if they meet a criteria? (Google sheets) -0.08
Bus Manifest Summary Page Formula (List Buses With Open Seats) 0.00
How to set a column width fixed in excel? 0.00
How can I automate these formulas? +0.40
Excel: Lowest value in column A while Column B is not blank +2.46
How do I refer to the cell a formula is written in in Google Sheets? -0.55
format google sheets charts formatting to filter out certain ranges... 0.00
Excel Count specifc value across range of columns, but only once pe... +0.08
How to use Averageifs with empty cells +1.14
Combine sum up with timevalue function +1.93
Creating an Excel multi-lookup/match formula +0.43
Google sheets - find the cell containing specific text 0.00
MATCH function won't work with a cell reference value when both... 0.00
Google Sheets - Finding what occurs the most by using data from 3 c... +1.87
How to ROUNDUP and ROUNDDOWN with IF-function +0.58
How to count unique value depending on the next cell using excel fo... -0.26