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Clodoaldo Neto

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79,063 (1,057th)
Page: 1 ... 5 6 7 8 9 ... 42
Title Δ
Inserting rows into db from a list of tuples using cursor.mogrify g... -0.26
Insert a unique key, a couple of columns and the sum of sub-query i... +1.43
How to match not null + not empty? +0.43
column alias as NUMBER in postgresSql +0.43
How to find intersecting geographies between two tables recursively -0.39
Postgres Multidimensional Arrays - Creating/DDL 0.00
Select union in a Stored Procedure -2.15
What happened to psycopg2.sql? 0.00
How create dynamic insert if not exists (no of columns and values v... 0.00
How to check if value is in a list or if the list is empty? 0.00
Postgresql time series interval 0.00
Return rows that are max of one column in Postgresql -1.25
postgres - select latest row in T1 just before timestamp for each r... 0.00
postgresql, named grouping sets? -2.18
Postgres Query WHERE array 0.00
SQL compare value in column -0.04
Call plpgsql Function from a PL/Python Function in PostgreSQL 0.00
Postgres Distinct instead of Group By 0.00
Postgresql partial index exceeds maximum index row size 0.00
Best (fastest) way to generate ~billion VIN's in PostgreSQL 0.00
join on mutated column postgresql 0.00
How to insert a value to postgres database column which contains do... 0.00
Populating column values from another table in postgreSQL 0.00
Speeding up multiple left outer join SQL query -1.69
How to enforce soft deletes on postgres? -2.44
How to iterate to obtain values in each iteration and to return the... 0.00
Union returning different outputs with limit postgresql 0.00
stratified random sample with counts in postgresql +0.46
postgres: dynamic subquery in join filtering 0.00
PostgreSQL Partition range - strange behaviour -0.06
What delimiter should be used for string_to_array command at Postgr... 0.00
Taking output of union in different column in postgres -0.08
Combining multiple row values in a view 0.00
Postgres Sql Query Sum Between generate_series -2.06
Create a row for every month between 2 dates in PostgreSQL -0.06
postgresql data type error when updating from value list with null... +0.17
Postgres custom function with CASE -1.70
How to reuse an expression with aggregates in PostgreSQL without sl... 0.00
Update values in a column based on a comparison of two other tables +1.24
returning value from execute query string in plpgsql 0.00
Select count with LIKE operator in Postgresql -0.05
How would you read a csv in a stored procedure such that the csv ne... 0.00
How to query for a range of previous week (i.e. 14 days ago to 7 da... 0.00
Need to get results over 7 days that are in a specific 30 min time... 0.00
Extract string of dynamic length when the indicator of completion e... -0.31
Postgres - Fast way to sum over rows from last day of month -1.26
How to update multiple lines with different values from other tables? +0.40
How to reshape specific row record in PostgreSQL? -1.90
PostgreSQL query performance and possible optimisation 0.00
Joining association on multiple conditions +2.12