Title |
Δ |
Using a value from stored in a different file awk
+0.79 |
bash : assign vertical multi line output to a variable and get elem...
+1.49 |
awk script for decimal values
0.00 |
GREP or AWK: Search in the first N characters of each line, and out...
+2.18 |
Awk splitting one file into n files each one with its header
0.00 |
sed: multiple patterns on the same output line
-2.41 |
Awk script else statement not working
-2.74 |
Unix Replace specific column with one value for another string
+1.10 |
Change three or more empty lines into two using bash, sed or awk
+2.20 |
AWK count occurence with zero
+1.82 |
Does awk support en eval like construct to run a command by concate...
0.00 |
using awk to extract a specific pattern
0.00 |
How to test two entries per line to given intervals?
0.00 |
table creation from CSV file with headers using awk
-0.24 |
Parse logs and print certain fields in a csv file
-0.56 |
uniq sort parsing
-0.58 |
AWK - Max Variables?
+2.23 |
Pass variable to awk pattern
-1.26 |
Extract all Strings between two characters to array using Bash
+0.08 |
In a CSV file, subtotal 2 columns based on a third one, using AWK i...
+2.12 |
Count number of different occurrences in a string by UNIX along one...
-0.36 |
AWK - Compare files, Match in Fields in specific order, X number of...
0.00 |
filtering in a text file using awk
-2.58 |
process a file with nested include paths (awk)
0.00 |
how to grep a log and print multiple string or text from a log
0.00 |
Pretty print a space delimited file
-1.25 |
Adjusting column padding in bash
+1.06 |
AWK: Compare two files, match fields 1 and 2, take value from file2...
0.00 |
Converting a list of tuples with type (Char, Int) to a String in Ha...
+1.51 |
Edit CSV column with unix command
0.00 |
AWK - Match first column, print both lines if any values of the las...
-2.09 |
edit file by searching for pattern, store findings in var, modify v...
0.00 |
AWK print specific line & header
-0.35 |
Haskell: How to write a function that produces every combinations o...
+1.84 |
Add a new line of text at the top of a file in bash shell
-0.80 |
efficient splitting of fastq files by length
0.00 |
Split multiple-fasta files according to header
-1.92 |
Bash: Custom sort / for each ID group, move a certain line to top o...
0.00 |
Show the first 2 and the last 3 lines from test.txt using "sed...
-2.08 |
AWK - Match Field 1, Paste Field 2 of All Matching Columns in Same...
-2.44 |
Remove blank spaces comm output
-1.44 |
Generate all combinations of numbers with maximum two zeros in them
+1.41 |
Numbered every row in a file based on the string found in one colum...
-0.01 |
Group multiline columns in a block under column 1 as a header in li...
+1.66 |
nested grep pattern search from same input file and create multiple...
-0.00 |
Replace a value in a file by another one (bash/awk)
-0.11 |
Get the most frequently occurring number in a bash array
-1.15 |
Redirecting AWS cli output to awk in order to keep timestamp logs o...
-0.09 |
Get first entry in sorted output columns
+0.41 |
Testing presence of multiple files within loop
+0.41 |