Title |
Δ |
How to retrieve unique (removing duplicate) results from json respo...
-0.12 |
Back-button reopens activity after updating fire-store document
0.00 |
Android Studio error: org.json.JSONObject cannot be converted to JS...
+4.06 |
Database query on a specific row
-4.11 |
Android app not Launching in Com.onesignal Notification click
0.00 |
Retrieve a Date from a Firebase in a Recyclerview Android
+5.03 |
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Expected BEGIN_OBJECT
-0.19 |
setOnClickListener is not working in my cardapter inside a Fragment
-0.15 |
How can I change textview after clicking on active and deactive but...
-0.21 |
I need to show this data from Parser in a listview, how do I?
0.00 |
Not able to get data from api to the arraylist
+3.89 |
How to use a variable for android section of build.gradle?
0.00 |
How to retrieve 2 values from Spinner with Retrofit2 on Android
+3.95 |
Target JSON response
-1.30 |
Receive data from database based on user input in EditText
+3.99 |
RecycleView Adapter displayed in ArrayList with JSON data
0.00 |
ParseObject getString() returns null for Pointer column
+3.71 |
Image URL to ParseFile?
0.00 |
Cannot get objectId even inside saveInBackground()?
0.00 |
Retrieving Specific Parse Rows to a ListView
0.00 |
Object ID and Installation ID in parse SDK giving null value
0.00 |
How to retrieve data in parse from 2 different tables android?
+4.01 |
ParseQuery Array to lowercase before search
0.00 |
How to achieve or query in parse sdk in android
-1.28 |
How to get access Token of active Session with simple Facebook?
+0.09 |
Load Parse data into a fragment list view
0.00 |
Parse - updating big list in for loop?
+4.18 |
Parse.com: with parseUser, how can I get data in a column I created...
+0.02 |
Android Parse Query Retrieving Columns
+4.22 |
Android Button cannot find method in Activity
+0.27 |
Android Parse query returning Empty List
-1.23 |
How to retrive image from parse.com using php
0.00 |
Retrieve data from parse based on object ID?
-3.19 |
What is the datatype of number in parse
-1.13 |
how to parse Json Array Inside Json Array in android
+1.47 |
Split parse object from parse.com Android by columns
0.00 |
Download file from Parse throws NullPointerException
0.00 |
convert parsefile image to byte in android
0.00 |
How to retrieve data from relational column from Parse
0.00 |
Crashlytics Fabric : Failed to execute task
0.00 |
Could not parse boolean values in parse
0.00 |
Gcm Notification data in activity
0.00 |
Json object returning null against given key
-1.93 |
How to add tabhost with navigation drawer?
-4.04 |
instructions for Facebook Like- Button
+0.13 |
Android DrawerLayout with ExpandableListView prob with ChildClickLi...
+4.09 |
java.lang.String can not be cast to java.util.ArrayList
0.00 |
Relative layout looks ok in Eclipse, but not on device
-0.11 |
Menu setActionView(view) to xml
+0.01 |
Finding a textView from XML of a Custom View for a AlertDialog Frag...
+0.28 |