Title |
Δ |
ReplaceAll with defined replacement number Java
-0.93 |
Java method polymorphism when casting parameter to generic variable
0.00 |
How to store a local copy of a dependency passed to a superclass wi...
+1.21 |
How to combine all predicates from List<Predicate<MyClass>...
+1.48 |
Java Class inheriting self-referencial class
+0.30 |
What is the best way to create a java.util.Enumeration out of a jav...
+1.65 |
Run a list of String through a list of filters
+1.29 |
To call inherited final method produce "cannot find symbol&quo...
+1.20 |
2D map with Java streams
0.00 |
CompareTo method - how do I use it with does not equal?
-0.22 |
Java 8 streaming refactoring - List<ObjA> to Map<String, L...
0.00 |
Filter using a stream check inside a stream
0.00 |
How to check multiple contains operations faster?
+0.24 |
Are assert statements are ignored in runtime?
+0.42 |
java alphabet loop reset to beginning
-0.44 |
Is there a way to pass my Java function into a try-catch function?
+1.69 |
Remove all entries where value is an empty Optional from map
+0.09 |
Java - Implement Cloneable or add a constructor?
+0.61 |
Java 8: Reverse an int array in one line (using Streams API)
0.00 |
What is the true difference between CompareAndSet and IncrementAndG...
+1.94 |
incrementing array list by a certain value?
+0.21 |
Why couldn't arrays of generics be implemented in Java?
+1.79 |
Writing a method with a for loop
0.00 |
How to chain Optional#ifPresent() in lambda without nesting?
+1.17 |
Removing duplicates from list with additional condition
+0.32 |
Why does Optional<T> not implement Supplier<T>?
-1.65 |
While loop with user input with minor parameters using && /...
-0.82 |
Convert String[] str = {"a","b","c",&...
-0.14 |
Iterate over int array
-1.64 |
What is the most effecient way to generate a new random object in j...
-0.19 |
How to use multiple streams and .map functions in java 8 with lambd...
+2.59 |
.mapToLong method logic
0.00 |
java stream filter based on different fields
+2.25 |
What's wrong with this group method? (split String)
-2.69 |
Pass variables into other classes or have variables be used by diff...
+0.31 |
multiple filter using lambda java
+1.40 |
SortedSearch.countNumbers(new int[] { 1, 3, 5, 7 }, 4) should retur...
-0.44 |
The Creation of The Encryption Key for a Keyword Cipher in My Code...
0.00 |
Missing value in a TreeMap after putAll()
0.00 |
How do you invert Map<v1, Set<v2>> to Map<v2, Set<...
+0.63 |
Adding String object to ArrayList
+0.32 |
Using java Lambda to join two list on a common attribute and collec...
+0.10 |
Shorten switch case method
-2.63 |
Split a String variable into a random substring with a specified le...
0.00 |
Generate random number only one time
0.00 |
Method to accept both List of interfaces or list of implementations
+1.25 |
Java Method for generating final variable NOT updating the value us...
0.00 |
Conditionals without actually using any conditional statements?
0.00 |
Random number in text field
0.00 |
Do Java optional parameters make @NonNull annotations redundant?
-0.20 |