Title |
Δ |
Can't I replace using the capturing groups?
+1.04 |
Understanding negative look aheads in regular expressions
+1.32 |
Remove or replace substring inside a pattern in javascript
-1.67 |
With nested named groups in a regex, possible to navigate hierarchy?
0.00 |
What is wrong with my regex in finding unnecessary char before &quo...
-1.06 |
regex for images not returning expected
0.00 |
JavaScript or Notepad++ regular expression to add thousands separat...
+1.49 |
Javascript: Simplifying many Regular Expression .replace() into few...
+1.26 |
Regex to match begining of string with set endings or not
0.00 |
PCRE pattern that matches the in-delimiters text of a PCRE pattern
0.00 |
Regex: Accepting space anywhere but at the beginning
+0.28 |
reg exp match everything inside curly braces
-0.20 |
Preventing Cyrillic/Greek/Chinese in a string - C# 4.0
0.00 |
How does (?!) operator in regex work?
+1.47 |
Apply quantifiers on capture groups
0.00 |
Matching a text which contains {word} but not {2ndword}
0.00 |
Regex with negative lookahead, spanning multiple lines
0.00 |
Regex with grep - match unknown number of alphabetical characters?
0.00 |
My regex should match 3 times, but matches only twice (PHP)
+1.17 |
how to remove unuseful array items in preg_match_all result?
0.00 |
Parsing string with nested separators
+0.27 |
Regexp grab all text following last match
-0.65 |
Matching words that end in any number of digits OR "X"
+1.17 |
How can I optimize this regular expression?
-2.53 |
Is there a way to define custom shorthands in regular expressions?
0.00 |
Regex for finding dates in a string
-0.23 |
PHP preg_match_all: extract parameters of a command
0.00 |
RegEx - LIFO buffer on match events
0.00 |
Splitting around an outer character in Perl. Minimal assumptions wi...
+0.99 |
Regex, group & quantifyer
0.00 |
Javascript (ExtendScript) Reg Exp match
-0.99 |
Javascript :: live replace() with regex, only when a word 'terminat...
+0.28 |
Split string and keep the separator
-2.99 |
Is there a regex symbol to match one, the other, or both (if possib...
+1.18 |
Visual C++ std::regex_search bug?
0.00 |
Regex - Return previous AND next word from match
+0.31 |
Map stringified regexp to RegExp
0.00 |
Regex to match a-z spaces, character limit, only first letter capit...
+1.99 |
Regex with special received signs and replaceAll() throwns errors
0.00 |
Anyone offer a better solution? Right to left regex. using python
0.00 |
Regex to match only till first occurence of class match
+1.20 |
How can I ensure that my regular expression capture is surrounded b...
-0.62 |
New regex module fuzzy function error value. Python
0.00 |
Regular Expression Fun
0.00 |
Javascript word boundary unicode space issue
0.00 |
Python Regex: Formatting use of commas, periods internationally
-1.77 |
regex to test repeatition of character
-0.25 |
What's the use of the [\b] backspace regex?
+1.70 |
can Regex .test() in JavaScript test the whole string?
0.00 |
Splitting a string containing space-delimited "key=value"...
0.00 |