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Robert Crovella

1642.70 (671st)
101,824 (716th)
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Title Δ
Cuda Parallelize Kernel 0.00
PyCUDA mem_get_ipc_handle gives LogicError: cuIpcGetMemHandle faile... 0.00
CUDA logarithm: nvprof detects single precision operations in doubl... 0.00
CUDA Function Won't Execute For Loop on Python with Numba 0.00
Is there a way terminate host and device program execution if a CUD... 0.00
Cuda compiling error when coming to g++ compiling step 0.00
CUDA: Sort an array according to the order defined by another array... +1.22
Numba and guvectorize for CUDA target: Code running slower than exp... +2.12
CUDA : stencil code not working 0.00
Why does passing a function to a kernel cause data to become immuta... +1.23
Equivalent for async_work_group_copy in CUDA 0.00
How to interpret the number shown in the square brackets? 0.00
Equivalent of barrier(CLK_GLOBAL_MEM_FENCE) in CUDA 0.00
Cuda patches: install all or install latest? 0.00
cudaMallocManaged for host-initiated variable 0.00
cuda cooperative_groups::thread_group sync limit 0.00
Matrix Multiplication : Performance decreases after coalescing glob... 0.00
Why this Radix-sort CUDA code sorts only 32 elements? 0.00
cuda Parallel reduction #6 works and reduction #7 fails 0.00
CUDA - Parallel Reduction over one axis 0.00
Should I make cublas handle global and reuse them in different (hos... 0.00
cublas batched gemm throw not supported error with large batch size 0.00
Unified memory and struct with arrays 0.00
sort one array by another on the gpu 0.00
Storing a device_vector inside a functor through the constructor? 0.00
Thrust Support of Cuda Vector Types 0.00
Passing variables to CUDA kernel 0.00
How is the CUDA<<<...>>>() kernel launch syntax i... 0.00
Why is cuda device count zero? 0.00
Set c++14 standard usage for nvcc in MSVC 2017 0.00
__CUDA_ARCH__ flag with Thrust execution policy +0.33
Unable to allocate CUDA device memory for cufftComplex data type 0.00
CUDA Driver API - minimum driver version? 0.00
cudart_static - when is it necessary? 0.00
Helps on CUDA programming guide 0.00
Summing two arrays with CUDA 0.00
CUDA shared memory efficiency at 50%? 0.00
Removing items during a large array transform in CUDA 0.00
cuda::cub error calling a __host__ function from a __device__ funct... 0.00
CUDA - Unified memory (Pascal at least) +0.30
dot_product with CUDA_CUB 0.00
CUB reduction using 2D grid of blocks 0.00
__shfl_down and __shfl_down_sync give different results 0.00
Shared Memory Sobel Filter Implementation 0.00
Unable to call CUDA half precision functions from the host 0.00
CUDA Parallel Cross Product +2.16
friend function in CUDA C++ -1.87
Cuda C++ design: reusable class with unknown compile-time size +0.33
How are L2 transactions mapped to DRAM in GPUs? 0.00
Converting a NumPy Array to cufftComplex 0.00