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Robert Crovella

1642.70 (671st)
101,824 (716th)
Page: 1 ... 16 17 18 19 20 ... 55
Title Δ
cuda magma matrix-matrix addition kernel 0.00
How to force a functor to see an entire thrust::vector so that sort... 0.00
Accessing the result of a structure when using thrust::for_each() c... 0.00
local variables inside this cuda kernel? 0.00
I get almost same performance on both Tesla K40 and Tesla K80 0.00
replacing blockId with a counter 0.00
Finding Minimum Value in Array and its index using CUDA __shfl_down... 0.00
ROT13 with CUDA - passing char array to kernel 0.00
Weak guarantees for non-atomic writes on GPUs? 0.00
function as templated parameter in cuda 0.00
Do CUDA texture object's support 3 channel textures? 0.00
How can I tell if cuda code is being compiled with relocatable devi... 0.00
Using cuSPARSE in nvGraph as the connection matrix? 0.00
Eigenvalue solver in parallel using CUDA 0.00
Jetson Tegra TX1 Shared Memory 0.00
GPU reduction code only runs one time 0.00
Bitonic sorting in cuda misorders some values 0.00
cblas gemm time dependent on input matrix values - Ubuntu 14.04 0.00
memory location error: thrust::stable_sort when using big array and... 0.00
CUDA : error: "transfer of control bypasses initialization of&... 0.00
Profiling Result doesn't appear in event/metric summary mode nv... 0.00
Memory requirements for cufft -0.47
Passing a function pointer and its parameters as a thrust::tuple to... +0.35
How to Get CUDA Toolkit Version at Compile Time Without nvcc? 0.00
Meaning of L1 local store / L1 global read in Nvidia visual profiler 0.00
Unable to link CUDA object files generated from the CUBIN intermedi... 0.00
What is the point of the make_transform_iterator as the second para... 0.00
Latest PTX ISA version for sm_10 0.00
Why does int1 exist in CUDA? 0.00
cudaStream strange performance 0.00
What's the equivalent system API implementation to cudaMallocHost 0.00
CUDA Thrust Functor with Flexibility to Run in CPU or GPU +1.54
only one thread executes the cuda kernel 0.00
CUDA SASS to Cubin 0.00
nvprof option for bandwidth 0.00
__threadfence implies the effect of __syncthreads? 0.00
invalid device symbol in cudaGetSymbolAddress(&cuset_addr, rand... 0.00
Is there any difference in the output of nvvp (visual) and nvprof (... 0.00
Does cudaSetDevice Need to Be Called Prior to Kernel Launch with St... 0.00
CUDA_ERROR_ILLEGAL_ADDRESS when accessing variables in CUDA kernel 0.00
Does cuDNN library works with All nvidia graphic cards? 0.00
Thrust - sorting member arrays of class object on gpu 0.00
With the new maxwell architecture do i have to use shared memory? 0.00
Minimize the number of cuRAND states stored during a MC simulation +0.35
CUDA: Kernel launch failure if the amount of shared memory allocate... +0.08
Using CUDA compiled for compute capability 3.7 on Maxwell GPUs? 0.00
parallel computing about sorted array's index 0.00
Lauching 2d block of threads in Cuda crashes 0.00
CUDA: minimize bank conflict for large data type 0.00
How to write LOP3 based instructions for Maxwell and up NVIDIA Arch... 0.00