Title |
Δ |
Tune Java GC, so that it would immediately throw OOME, rather than...
+1.16 |
Why make a method volatile in java?
+1.72 |
Java unicode where to find example N-byte unicode characters
-0.07 |
Best way to add functionality to built-in types
+0.44 |
Is static variables are Thread specific in java?
+0.37 |
What's this "Album artist" tag iTunes uses? Any way to se...
0.00 |
Query to return 2nd value if there are two, null if just one
+0.41 |
Java: Getting the 500 most common words in a text via HashMap
+0.37 |
How to find images by similarity, inside a SQL query?
+1.09 |
Standard for programming 'beautiful' code in Java?
+0.74 |
System.currentTimeInMillis() as column names(time sorted) in a row...
+0.98 |
Priority Queue with a complex enum?
+0.59 |
How to filter string for unwanted characters using regex?
-0.58 |
Is it really worth implementing toString() for entity classes
-0.31 |
volatile boolean vs. AtomicBoolean
+0.30 |
Why are there Debug & Release builds for .Net, but not for Java?
+0.67 |
Efficient way to delete values from hashmap object
-1.68 |
Impossible Java memory references in Heap Dump
+0.35 |
Is there a programming language that uses characters other than tho...
+0.76 |
JPA: Can I force objects to be persisted to the database in the ord...
+1.49 |
foo.split(',').length != number of ',' found in 'foo'?
-0.42 |
Split string to equal length substrings in Java
-0.73 |
tracking metric over multiple time buckets - known algo?
-0.62 |
+0.40 |
Is it safe to use local lock instead of shared lock for synchroniza...
-0.26 |
Immutable class design
+0.36 |
Issues converting csv to xls in Java? Only core Java experience nee...
-0.02 |
Java - Refactor two nearly identical methods
-0.71 |
maven findbugs 'high water mark'
-1.64 |
List Sorting puzzle
-0.76 |
Remove end of line characters from end of Java String
-0.06 |
Java generics and varargs
-0.06 |
Fastest way to put contents of Set<String> to a single String...
+0.53 |
Question about sizeof. I want to reverse bits in number
-0.79 |
How do you refactor a large messy codebase?
+0.51 |
Will Sytem.currentTimeMillis always return a value >= previous c...
+1.24 |
How can I use the volatile keyword in Java correctly?
-2.04 |
Is it possible to create thread-safe collections without locks?
+0.25 |
How static variable treated by gc
0.00 |
Exception handling in Iterable
+1.21 |
Page replacement algorithm simulation in Java
-0.62 |
How to map combinations of things to a relational database?
+0.94 |
Hibernate is persisting entity during flush when the entity has not...
-1.53 |
Hierarchical Hibernate, how many queries are executed?
+0.37 |
Java Convert 4 bytes to int
+0.30 |
Screenshot of the Nexus One from adb?
+0.49 |
python-like Java IO library?
+0.15 |
Is there an easy way to copy an iterator into a list in Java?
-0.19 |
SQL Server 2008 Insert performance issue
-1.18 |
Wanted: a very simple Java RegExp API
-1.02 |