Title |
Δ |
Pipe awk's results to sed (deletion)
+1.19 |
grep/awk stdin Limitations?
-1.46 |
Count files that have unique prefixes
+1.19 |
Does awk CR LF handling break on cygwin?
-2.15 |
Leave only first duplicate entry in bash
0.00 |
perl/awk/sed/bash scripting: Multiple indent levels with multiple m...
+1.04 |
scripting tool to modify configuration files
-0.07 |
grep, cut, sed, awk a file for 3rd column, n lines at a time, then...
-1.35 |
Unix awk what does f=1 do
0.00 |
How to keep sets of numbers in multiple arrays and print max using...
-0.89 |
use awk to print a column, adding a comma
+0.82 |
SED - Replace trailing minus sign
+1.96 |
awk 2nd calculation in script
0.00 |
AWK - passing generated string as code for awk from command line
-0.94 |
Discrepancy in minimum value method
-0.06 |
How can I check if a GNU awk coprocess is open, or force it to open...
0.00 |
Matching lines with parentheses before double backslashes using reg...
+0.43 |
awk move line up if not matching pattern
-0.71 |
Filter messages from FB archive using bash
-0.62 |
remove the last occurrence of } from a file
+1.08 |
awk + filter Log files
+2.05 |
store awk command in a variable of bash script
+1.44 |
How to do reach specific section of text file and then search
-0.09 |
separate fields by comma using bash
+0.37 |
Linux translate blocks of text to lines of text
+0.15 |
How to use awk and grep on 300GB .txt file?
-1.05 |
Fork retry error when using awk -v within shell script
0.00 |
parse file content and display tree view
-2.01 |
How to get array dimension in 1 direction in awk multidimension array
+0.40 |
Bash/ Awk/ Sed capture the last third and fourth line info in each...
+0.80 |
How to get text between two patterns in awk?
-1.04 |
alternative to readarray, because it does not work on mac os x
+0.38 |
using if in awk in comparision with todays date
-1.71 |
grep (awk) a file from A to first empty line
-1.52 |
How to extract values from a "table-like" text file with...
-0.56 |
bash, find nearest next value, forward and backward
-0.93 |
error when using head command inside while loop
-1.27 |
How to add a prefix for each line according to a line field
+0.64 |
Awk syntax error pattern matching
-0.19 |
Filter grep command
-0.73 |
sed : Insert lines after specific pattern with newline
-0.09 |
Improving logic to find a group of characters in a string using awk
0.00 |
How can I make this AWK array matching unambiguous?
0.00 |
Select all text in a word, except first letter
-1.83 |
Using sed, how can I replace all occurences of X with Y, but only a...
-1.23 |
UNIX - formating another shell script - using awk in sed
-0.58 |
Subtracting a constant value from a column without round-up
-1.17 |
Find exactly string "pattern" with awk when two string ha...
+1.06 |
Using AWK/Grep/Bash to extract data from HTML
+0.28 |
How to print all lines matching the first field of last line
-0.03 |