Title |
Δ |
Programmatically apply an ActiveRecord scope that accepts arguments
0.00 |
How to make a program that allows the user to label what type of in...
0.00 |
How to sort by referenced name instead of column_id
+1.53 |
Custom fields in a Ruby exception object not shown when inspecting
0.00 |
scope count multiple string names?
0.00 |
Count truthy objects in an array
0.00 |
How to group the records based to 3rd table belongs to, has many
0.00 |
How to divide a time period into multiple periods
+1.20 |
How is Rails.cache variable available across threads?
0.00 |
Why << method explicitly returns self helps method chaining?
0.00 |
Rake or Rails db:mirate
+0.96 |
how to change nil into " " in array
-0.82 |
Does ActiveRecord object not have instance variables for it's a...
0.00 |
Pull values from Shopify response array
0.00 |
Devise Admin changes attribute of different user
0.00 |
getting the largest value from a hash that is the value of another...
+1.19 |
How to add amounts from an array of arrays
+1.20 |
Order records based on calculation
0.00 |
Return value of initialize method
+1.57 |
How to check a boolean attribute in an if else statement?
0.00 |
Inspect shows record but still get undefined method
0.00 |
How to get a list of permitted params for a specific controller act...
0.00 |
How to delete all schedule task on sidekiq
+0.38 |
Generic method to set attributes
-0.12 |
Stripe API opening up the metaclass? Or just defining a class method?
0.00 |
how to display routes programmatically?
0.00 |
How do I detect if a CSV is empty or has no rows?
0.00 |
search records by user in the scope
0.00 |
How do I search within an JSON array of hashes by hash values?
0.00 |
Is there any way to find the current controller name inside model?
+0.69 |
Ruby parse csv to usable hash
+1.60 |
confused between instance variable and local variable
0.00 |
Convert string into Hashes of symbol and integer in Ruby
-1.33 |
How to do an order two times?
0.00 |
How do I write my time conversion function to account for places af...
0.00 |
Rails: Order Model by sum of stats in child model?
0.00 |
Validation should not take place on password reset
-0.61 |
get last 5 records
+0.35 |
Using attr_reader with a private method of the same instance var name
0.00 |
condition on model on class macros
0.00 |
NameError using whenever gem in Rails 5
0.00 |
ActiveModel::ForbiddenAttributesError when tried to add new comment
+0.38 |
Rails | Rescue exception in model and use the error in controller
+1.60 |
ActiveRecord: Filter record by nested record attribute
+0.39 |
Inicialize method arguments issue
0.00 |
If statement causing NoMethodError for new accounts
+1.05 |
How do I return distinct values with options_from_collection_for_se...
0.00 |
rails validate in model that value is inside array[2]
-0.00 |
Link two attributes to one form element
0.00 |
Changing the name on this Ruby class causes an error
+0.58 |