Title |
Δ |
R: Split data.frame by an attribute with multiple categorical value...
-0.02 |
How to make a stacked bar with NA values
0.00 |
Reorganizing dataframe for time-series using reshape2 (melt and cast)
+2.47 |
How do I aggregate a dataframe by customers ID considering a factor...
+0.46 |
ggplot2: Create an empty space on the x-axis
+1.25 |
Reshaping data frame in R according one column
+0.07 |
Make a rectangular legend, with rows and columns labeled, in grid
+2.15 |
R - color scatterplot points by z value with legend
-0.37 |
Multiple Separators for the same file input R
-0.06 |
ggplot2 : multiple factors boxplot with scale_x_date axis in R
0.00 |
ggplot2 multiple sub groups of a bar chart
0.00 |
Numeric variables converted to factors when reading a CSV file
0.00 |
R - checking for NAs in data frame
0.00 |
ggplot: axis don't intersect at origin
0.00 |
ddply and ggplot - generating no plot
0.00 |
normalize ggplot histogram so that first height is 1 (to show growt...
+0.47 |
Plotting a discontinued time-series object
+0.42 |
Change point labels on plot created by plotTangentSpace in "ge...
0.00 |
ggplot: Add a theoretical range on a geom_violin()
-1.56 |
Remove quotation marks around header in the output from write.csv
0.00 |
Creating a histogram using aggregated data
+1.20 |
R: How to write it in more efficient, more compact, way the code th...
+1.40 |
In ggplot2, can borders of bars be changed on only one side? (color...
-1.57 |
R "melt-cast" like operation
+0.46 |
convert a dataframe to a numeric variable?
+0.46 |
Simple moving average on an unbalanced panel in R
+0.46 |
Plotting andrews curves of subsets of a data frame on the same plot
0.00 |
R barplot horizontal, y axis missing values
0.00 |
How to count the frequency in binary tranactions per column, and ad...
0.00 |
using plyr and cor with multiple data frame columns
0.00 |
Finding values that repeat more than twice in a table
0.00 |
How to replace axis in gap.barplot in R
0.00 |
How to cut a vector in two of the same size?
-0.95 |
Making spaghetti plot with different variables as timepoints
-0.06 |
to create lag for Time Series Cross sectional in R
-1.81 |
Handling NA's and Legends in ggplot2
+0.54 |
How to smartly place text labels beside points of different sizes i...
-0.96 |
R: how to expand a row containing a "list" to several row...
-1.87 |
Ordering bars in barplot()
-0.53 |
fix minimum and maximum of the colourbar legend in ggmap
0.00 |
Subset POSIXct time by odd or even seconds
+0.01 |
Rounding Date in every second column of data frame
0.00 |
error with adding geom_path to boxplot using ggplot function
0.00 |
Fill region between two loess-smoothed lines in R with ggplot
0.00 |
Subtracting three time columns in R
0.00 |
Set different positions of axis labels and tick marks in a barplot
0.00 |
How to create in R new variable for each element in a list of data...
+0.97 |
Given a vector c(a1, a2, a3), how to generate c(a1, a2, a3, a2, a3,...
-0.71 |
How to show sample error bars in the legend in R?
0.00 |
Calculations on subsets of a data frame
-0.32 |