Title |
Δ |
How can I speed up my regex?
+5.55 |
Regular expression to find all “src” attribute of HTML “img” elemen...
-3.99 |
Regex to detect comments/Strings without conflict, Method names, Cl...
-0.25 |
Regex string split into an array
0.00 |
PHP split email with rules
0.00 |
C#: How to use regex to match string '@A=1, @B=2, @C=3, .....&q...
+0.20 |
PHP string replace with multiple conditions
0.00 |
Most concise way of producing an object from another object and an...
-4.45 |
Javascript "any string" regex in Handlebars?
0.00 |
Select text in regex between 2 strings
+4.21 |
regex find a string but not a certain other longer strings containi...
+0.42 |
Using regex to ignore invalid syntax
0.00 |
Javascript regex error possibly needs look-back type functionality?
+1.21 |
Regular Expression, Unknown escape squence '\s'
+5.43 |
ng-pattern for not allowing input of a certain set of characters (e...
-4.36 |
Are JavaScript files downloaded with the HTML-body
+4.57 |
regex add questionmark as a character
0.00 |
regular expression to find HTML Comment ( <!-- some string -->...
-0.02 |
Same AsyncTask for Parallel execution
+3.49 |
Displaying specific web content on android
-0.21 |
How to decode a JSON from Android application and insert multiple r...
+3.41 |
autochecked checkbox with select
0.00 |
How to get all Drawable resources?
+3.79 |
Android Studio is not running AsyncTasks at the same time. Why?
-4.20 |
Problems of while(true) in C# "VS2012" {WinForm}
-1.70 |
javascript array consoling out and showing multi-dimensions
+3.93 |
fgets() adds new line to string
-0.49 |
Why am I keep getting a java.lang.nullpointerexception in Android S...
0.00 |
Add period into matched pattern in regex in vim
+4.48 |
Regex that accepts +, -, (, ), space, and numbers
-1.54 |
Regex to detect end of line(\n) that has double slash(//)
-4.08 |
I can not set my LISTVIEW adapter in my fragment
0.00 |
php - redirect user on login
0.00 |
Fragment on top of surfaceview
0.00 |
PHP - Checking up on string with regex and push to array
0.00 |
IOException Parsing Android
-0.19 |
Split path (String) in 3 pieces
-3.13 |
Regex: extract numbers between text
+4.82 |
SOLVED: PHP sessions don't work in Android?
0.00 |
I can get only empty space character from php to android
0.00 |
Best method for password encrypting and sending it over the net
0.00 |
Quickest way to achieve this sequence?
+1.50 |
Overwrite an existing JavaScript function
-2.48 |
form submitted without reload page
0.00 |
what does this javascript function declaration mean
-2.26 |
Regex stop at first occurrence in java
+5.26 |
Domain Name Validation using Regular Expression
-2.41 |
Android emulator sdcard permisisons not working
-0.37 |
Please suggest correct regular expression for below situation
0.00 |
Send a challenge to another player without a service component in a...
0.00 |