Title |
Δ |
how can i start view pager from a custom position and can swipe bac...
0.00 |
Unable to finish a paused activity until it regains focus
-4.00 |
Is it possible to kill a "android:persistent=true" system...
0.00 |
Update Recycleview in dialog
-0.09 |
android : CurrentLocation always return null value
-4.07 |
using runOnUiThread() inside thread to update User interface
-3.00 |
Where are the resources for Locales stored?
0.00 |
How to add fragment to fragment transaction?
+3.93 |
Display Toast for a BroadcastReceiver
-2.20 |
How to style the child view of a LinearLayout from the LinearLayout...
0.00 |
List adapter with multiple cell types repeating cells
-0.15 |
How to add Icons to SlidingTabLayout?
-4.18 |
Introduction images in android app
-4.22 |
Android: open an external project with Android Studio
+3.92 |
How to show alert dialog from a non activity class
0.00 |
How to control background image transparency in android app?
-4.43 |
Convert Date.toString() back to Date in Java
+1.69 |
Updating android project from bitbucket causes binary merge conflicts
0.00 |
Passing a value to another class
-0.08 |
Android Studio detect when rotated
0.00 |
How can I make this block of Android code reusable?
-2.25 |
Add String Values from a for loop to list
0.00 |
How do I assign an integer value to a character?
+3.78 |
How to fire local notifications one day before event is due Android
0.00 |
Get dates for a given week number in Android
+1.67 |
NoClassDefFoundError and ClassNotFoundException
+3.72 |
How to wake thread by condition
+1.25 |
Android Studio Corrupted .java file after improper shutdown
+4.17 |
Node.js android sdk not found error
0.00 |
How to send data from android app to JSP?
-4.12 |
Same Bitmap in multiple Objects memory managment
0.00 |
Fragment using onCreateView causes Exception
+2.26 |
Android: UI elements overflow the screen in lower resolution devices
0.00 |
Can't start activity from onPostExecute
+0.54 |
InputMismatchException Error Data Types
-0.09 |
How to build Android project using the command line, and compile it...
0.00 |
What is "Oracle Access"?
-4.38 |
Check if ImageView has image without calling getDrawable method
-4.35 |
Static Fragment retains Activity's static variables?
+4.08 |
Android in which thread(GUI or custom) make calculations better?
0.00 |
Importing images and making them scaleable
+3.67 |
How to develop Android apps with Java 1.6?
-0.10 |
How to popup alert dialog when the app is running in background?
-0.19 |
java Cannot delete file, being used by another process
-3.06 |
Other ways to perform tasks without loops?
+3.91 |
Android httpurlconnection upload file with progress
0.00 |
Design pattern - creating an object from different types of data so...
+0.00 |
Copying project to Eclipse?
+4.16 |
How to build my app, need guidelines
0.00 |
Detect pattern of motion on an Android device
+3.79 |