Title |
Δ |
What use instead of deprecated android.preference library on androi...
0.00 |
"ActionBarSherlock" error after removing ActionBarSharelo...
0.00 |
failed linking references resource and duplicate value after update...
0.00 |
Android shifts all views to the other side
+0.82 |
How to include an external jar file to aar file in Android
-0.11 |
Reduce distance between an imageView and a TextView
+0.51 |
i want to make this using gridlayoutmanager recyclerview
-0.12 |
Changes in Android BuildConfig.VERSION_NAME
+0.39 |
com.android.support:design:28.0.0 - Version 28 is the last version...
0.00 |
BottomNavigationView using androidx
0.00 |
How to configure button in android when I click the button it chang...
-0.11 |
Why does the output stay 0 and -1, regardless the input?
0.00 |
How can i add 2 lines of text to a listView?
0.00 |
MaterialDatePicker not working on Android
+0.75 |
TextInputLayout styling
0.00 |
Android: AlertDialog with custom style in MaterialTheme throws reso...
0.00 |
How to get text from material design TextInputLayout correctly?
0.00 |
How can set the EditText line height?
-0.10 |
how force download aar version of dependencies in gradle
0.00 |
Failed to sync Gradle project Could not find method implementation(...
+0.38 |
How to allow to override the font family of a library in Android
0.00 |
Can't import android.support.v7 and annotation libary with gradle
0.00 |
ERROR: DexGuard Gradle plugin: Android Gradle plugin version is not...
0.00 |
ERROR: Failed to resolve: androidx.legacy:legacy-support-v4
0.00 |
How to change a button shape style at runtime?
+0.39 |
sync error: com.google.android.gms:play-services-base:17.2.0
0.00 |
I cant use material button using com.google.android.material.button...
+0.62 |
how to resize the textField and disable floating label in a TextInp...
0.00 |
java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to start activity ComponentInfo(...
0.00 |
Unexpected type required:variable found: value
0.00 |
What is Getter and Setter in Android
-0.61 |
How to fix duplicate classes in gradle build for android studio
0.00 |
play-services-ads conflicts with appcompat
0.00 |
Appcompat and Recyclerview versions difference
0.00 |
How to remove underline from dropdown menu material design in android
-0.45 |
How to remove horizontal padding from TextInputLayout?
0.00 |
How do I reduce the padding between the text hint and text line?
0.00 |
How to fix cannot cast android.support.v7.preference.Preference to...
0.00 |
How to fix Android resource linking failed dialogCornerRadius not f...
0.00 |
android.support.v7.widget.Toolbar was not found
0.00 |
How to iterate array that have list of arrays?
+0.39 |
popup menu background color change not working
+0.39 |
How to make floating action button invisible?
+0.38 |
Alert dialog button has different colorset
+0.40 |
How to setStrokeColor for com.google.android.material.card.Material...
0.00 |
How to fix "attribute android:layout_width, layout_height and...
0.00 |
How to remove white box from TextInputLayout
-0.69 |
Android studio not catching value from editText box
+1.29 |
Why this variable is null?
+0.04 |
Can't use MaterialTextView
-2.67 |