Title |
Δ |
Start making IOS app from Android app
0.00 |
CocoaPods and Target Dependencies
0.00 |
Unable to run app in Simulator : Xcode beta 6 iOS 8
+3.24 |
How to change View size programmatically?
-0.15 |
Android, iOS, Windows Phone App On Single C# code
0.00 |
TableViewController or View Controller with Table View for Parse AP...
-4.28 |
Open specified URL in the Webview (iOS push)
0.00 |
How to get 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th business day (week day) for next month
+3.90 |
Where to begin for an App Server
-0.07 |
iOS: I would like to add "." to an NSInteger and display...
+4.01 |
How to apply style to the nested views in Android
+3.76 |
iOS core motion detect forard / backward tilt
0.00 |
Streaming video over WiFi and Bluetooth on iOS
0.00 |
How to generate a unique identifier for each device?
-3.80 |
How do i get current active view controller?
-0.08 |
Delete a table view cell but " invalid number of rows" sh...
+2.99 |
invoke textFieldShouldReturn with a custom keyboard
-0.08 |
Custom UICollectionView Layout
-0.01 |
iOS toolkit/framework/component for building news like app
0.00 |
get the current UIKeyBoardType that is being used? Or capture when...
-0.37 |
How to hide pickerview on storyboard?
0.00 |
Positioning String with drawAtPoint ?
0.00 |
Iphone network Programming
+3.73 |
Retrieving and re-saving an nsmutablearray to nsuserdefaults from a...
-1.42 |
Application crash after approved
+0.05 |
Converting ipad app to iphone5
+1.98 |
Scroll view on UITableView cell text field
+3.69 |
UITableview add table cells based on scrolling
-1.42 |
Disable UIBarButtonItem when popover is dismissed
-0.96 |
Slider gets reload in Table View in Iphone SDK
-2.74 |
Automatically Select First UITableView Textbox
+3.82 |
If I have the device ID for an iPad, can I build and send this app...
+2.17 |
how to get the imageUrlString from NSArray
-1.26 |
Splitting Storyboard at UITabBar level
0.00 |
Error :- -[UIButton setValue:]: unrecognized selector sent to insta...
+0.09 |
Reminders app - repeat a certain reminder
-1.93 |
Conditionals for iPhone models. E.g. if > iPhone 4, if > iPho...
0.00 |
Placement of a badge in iphone app
-4.25 |
swipe gestures and navigation controllers
0.00 |
ios - what is the right way to link to another app in the app store?
+0.36 |
ios web view - after a click, how to open a page in a web browser i...
0.00 |
Change heightForRowAtIndexPath depending on type of UITableViewCell...
-2.78 |
User interface look fine in iPhone 4,but not set at proper place in...
-0.36 |
Adding scroll functionality to UITableView's each section
0.00 |
When I should use Navigation Controller?
-0.02 |
How to thoroughly test a release build?
+3.46 |
How to use the values from an array defined in another class
-0.05 |
Rounded buttons in XCode 4.6
-2.13 |
Deleted libxml2.dylib
0.00 |
iphone - core motion range of yaw, pitch and roll
0.00 |