Title |
Δ |
Display 1,2,3,4,5,6,8,10,11 as 1-6,8,10-11
-0.40 |
Split and join multiple logical "branches" of string data
+0.16 |
Semicolon in url as a separator for query strings
0.00 |
html table into datagrid
-0.48 |
Find and replace several words without affecting future replacements
+2.65 |
Unable to convert a string to DateTime?
+0.80 |
Join rest of string array
+0.94 |
How to combine two strings (date and time) to a single DateTime
+0.74 |
Different intellisense for different array declarations
0.00 |
regex query implementation
+1.43 |
Is FirstOrDefault/First and OrderByDescending, quicker than LastOrD...
0.00 |
Removing characters, c#
+0.86 |
Looping over jagged arrays in c# --- using foreach instead of for?
-1.08 |
How to get user's client IP from a third party from code behind
-2.65 |
parent node to contain the sum of all the child node data
0.00 |
Group a List by two criteria C#
+0.97 |
C# 3.0 implicit cast error with class and interfaces with generic t...
-1.35 |
Regex return values from a form result
+1.17 |
C# Reflection property order
-1.65 |
How to extract "StrB(StrC,StrD)(StrE)" from "StrA(St...
+2.11 |
Insert into string based on Regex Match Index
+1.31 |
Collecting all paths of DAG
+0.37 |
Textbox that MUST contain both numbers and letters?
+1.54 |
How does foreach casts objects to specified types?
+0.11 |
regex to get value from string
+0.99 |
Remove special characters from a string with a condition
-0.44 |
getting the full file path in Firefox
+0.37 |
Why does removing new-lines from my verbatim string return only the...
+0.16 |
asp.net C# download file in ashx from external link
-2.41 |
How to do proper Parallel.ForEach, locking and progress reporting
-1.03 |
Extract only values from insert statement string?
-1.68 |
Do not match opening and closing paranthesis when a character seque...
-2.57 |
Getting substring between two separators in an arbitrary position
+0.48 |
When converting an uploaded jpeg to byte array it finishes as png?
+0.37 |
Can I lock the resource using the resource itself as monitor?
0.00 |
C# common substring list/extraction
+0.24 |
Get 3 words from the text
0.00 |
Pool numbers in a set of numbers to match the size of another set
-0.12 |
Clean way of dealing with collections of different implementations...
+0.11 |
Looping through enum with initializer gives unexpected result
+0.68 |
Convert Fractions to Words
-0.14 |
When two buttons are pressed at same time
+0.32 |
c# generate random string based on pattern
-0.37 |
Regex to find the word immediately after a particular word
-1.05 |
Ungroup grouped items
0.00 |
Regex to find a somewhat recursive pattern
-2.63 |
Convert a byte into 8 bits with true or false flags
+0.15 |
Create grouping that includes missing keys
-0.65 |
Ordering of tasks in TPL
+1.55 |
How to find List has duplicate values in List<string>
-0.37 |