Title |
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extend class with different import
-0.04 |
Hadoop : how to save web log to a local file?
0.00 |
Aliases for primitive types in AVRO
0.00 |
2 spring cloud stream Kafkas for java application
0.00 |
Retrieve info from Kafka that has a field matching one value of a v...
0.00 |
python function only returns: <function x at 0x1215fd3a0> - h...
0.00 |
Kafka sink connector --> postgres, fails with avro JSON data
0.00 |
How to download Kafka in VM
0.00 |
Yarn as resource manager in SPARK for linux cluster - inside Kubern...
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Having issues with using schema-registry:download
0.00 |
No such file or directory when using cat command with hadoop
0.00 |
How to split a string of multiple words into a list with strings of...
-0.62 |
Spring boot and Apache Kafka via Docker compose throw LEADER_NOT_AV...
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Kafka consumer timeout or number of messages to be downloaded
0.00 |
Is it possible to have conditions in a switch statement?
0.00 |
How do I fix 'ValueError: callback must be a callable, got 18:1...
0.00 |
More efficient way of iterating over a text-file in python?
0.00 |
How to let Kafka Avro consumer read payload with the specific schem...
0.00 |
How to print JSON data in Python
-0.04 |
Avoid duplicate data processing between Kafka data centers
0.00 |
Increase or decrease Kafka partitions dynamically
+2.22 |
Is there any way for a Consumer to send an acknowledgement to a pro...
0.00 |
Error Apache Kafka ubuntu vagrant - advertised.listeners and listen...
0.00 |
How can I access the Kafka Multicluster connected to the router fro...
0.00 |
How to stub private method without powermock
-0.39 |
confluent-zookeeper not found
0.00 |
Writing KStream<String, Map<String, Long>> to a Kafka T...
0.00 |
Failed to deserialize Avro record - Apache flink SQL CLI
0.00 |
Using same kafka topic for two different environment
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Why Kafka Connect Works?
0.00 |
Is there a way to use confluent Kafka Dotnet JSON serializer WITHOU...
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How to utilize existing avro schema for my kafka consumer?
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Insert Null value with pyodbc
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How to produce messages with consecutive numbers with Kafka?
0.00 |
Does Kafka Consumer Deserializer have to match Producer Serializer?
0.00 |
How to assign all partitions of a kafka topic to a consumer in Pyth...
0.00 |
Not able to create topic with default schema validation true | Conf...
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Hive/Impala write to HDFS
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How to sort an int from a file
+1.79 |
Why start() and poll() in SourceTask are abstract?
0.00 |
Logstash Kafka output plugin
+0.47 |
Idempotant guarantee in Confluent Rest Proxy
0.00 |
How to deal with Kafka JDBC Sink Connector with FME
0.00 |
Get all the properties on a running Kafka cluster?
0.00 |
TimeoutException: Timeout of 60000ms expired before the position fo...
0.00 |
Does Confluent Schema Registry keep track of the producers to vario...
0.00 |
Error publishing record using KafkaConnect JDBC Source: Invalid typ...
0.00 |
Python, List to Json
0.00 |
Why does my program run without parameters inside the functions'...
+0.47 |
Installing Kafka 2.7.0 and getting this Error: Could not find or lo...
0.00 |