Title |
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What is the equivalent of this swift Uint8 conversion in c#?
0.00 |
Can we use StringComparer to sort all kind of strings including spe...
0.00 |
Method returning a non-null value still assigns null to a variable
0.00 |
How can i simplfy code in the foreach loop indexOF?
0.00 |
no default constructor and automatic property, how come it still co...
0.00 |
Protobuf-net RuntimeTypeModel with inherited private fields fails,...
0.00 |
Why are my .NET strings so large in memory?
0.00 |
Protobuf how to change inheritance hierarchy without losing backwar...
-0.28 |
Given a managed reference to a struct, how to obtain a managed refe...
0.00 |
Which part of the source code should I lock?
0.00 |
TCP Socket What is the "flow of events" when two nodes talk
0.00 |
Replace a parameter in an expression with a constant
+0.63 |
Protocol buffers: read only fields?
0.00 |
Can I define a custom compare function for redis zset?
0.00 |
C# XML Deserializing No Errors
0.00 |
What is the private key and what is public?
+1.65 |
How to find how many times each value is repeated in generic class...
0.00 |
Write() and Read() raw bytes from NetworkStream, data is difference...
+1.29 |
Im trying to output all the data from my database and there is an e...
+0.19 |
How to lower Count without reducing Capacity in C# List
0.00 |
How to execute SQL string from C#, and store the returned result in...
+0.22 |
ShouldSerialize... mechanism seems to work no more
0.00 |
What is the difference betwen handling an event and extending a cla...
0.00 |
Passing by Reference vs Value
-1.24 |
Why some structs inherit interfaces, but do not implement all of th...
0.00 |
What is the fastest way of calculating the Euclidean distance betwe...
+0.85 |
Operator '&&' cannot be applied to operands of type...
0.00 |
Send string via TCP on receiving commands
0.00 |
Is there a way to deserialize an unknown object with a DescriptorPr...
0.00 |
Parsing Protocol Buffer Data Without Them
0.00 |
TcpClient connected but server not receiving message
0.00 |
Connection to Redis Servier via StackExchange.Redis
-0.78 |
What are the differences between the different ways of implementing...
0.00 |
C# Array.Reverse reversing the original array passed by value to me...
+0.21 |
Remove this 'return' statement or make it conditional
+0.54 |
UseStringDeduplication in .NET GC
0.00 |
Using Protobuf-net .proto schema in Angular
0.00 |
When compiling C# expression trees into methods, is it possible to...
0.00 |
Redis messages contain unicode?
0.00 |
Is there a elegant way to pass object or object collection as table...
0.00 |
Cannot take the address of, get the size of, or declare a pointer r...
+0.22 |
Define a single C# method which accepts any object that can be used...
0.00 |
How to sum 2 columns in ASP.NET MVC?
0.00 |
C# object initializer will initialize read only properties, but for...
+3.07 |
Type objects between serializations, given class changes
0.00 |
.NET Async task taking too long to create
+1.13 |
Does Remove method of List dispose object element?
0.00 |
Multithread C# : Does not return the result as I expected
0.00 |
Failing to send protobuf stream over a named pipe and getting resul...
0.00 |
What is the difference between Serializer.PrepareSerializer and Run...
0.00 |