Title |
Δ |
Dynamically Generate PDF Reports with Sweave
-0.35 |
Conditional gsub replacement
-0.48 |
Does roxygen2 automatically write NAMESPACE directives for "Im...
0.00 |
Replacing certain values in data.frame in R
+1.13 |
r Date conversion specific format
-0.58 |
Personalizing Online Assignments for a Statistics Class
-0.80 |
Calculate width of text string in default font/size
0.00 |
How cast on text?
+2.47 |
Comparing Boolean Vectors
-0.00 |
using predict with a list of lm() objects
+0.39 |
ggplot2 - highlight min/max bar
-0.50 |
recursively using the output as an input for a function
+0.44 |
compare row values over multiple rows (R)
0.00 |
Simplifying the process of creating a summary table
+0.48 |
Break out of the inner loop
+0.42 |
Run Sweave or knitr with objects from existing R session
+0.91 |
R loading 3-line per row text file as 3-column data frame
-0.42 |
Splitting CamelCase in R
+1.97 |
Importing one long line of data into R
-0.96 |
removing columns with same value from a data frame
-0.82 |
R boxplot and stripchart side-by-side in 1 figure
+0.15 |
Associative array from string
-0.43 |
r: for loop operation with nested indices runs super slow
-0.28 |
plyr along two dimensions (ddply)
-0.34 |
R package for zip code & other geodata from IP addresses?
+0.44 |
Import TCX into R using XML package
0.00 |
How to get LateX table from latex() in Hmisc to align columns
0.00 |
R data.frame with stacked specified titles for latex output with xt...
0.00 |
Get the 4th Wednesday of each November in R
+0.19 |
geom_smooth() - and scaling the y axis, losing data from smoothing
0.00 |
melt the lower half matrix in R
+0.17 |
Conditional replacement of values in a data.frame
-0.38 |
How do I pass a string to an object inside an R function?
+2.04 |
R: looping through data.frame columns
+1.80 |
Select max for each variable combination in data.frame
-0.75 |
Summarising Factors in Dataframe
-0.93 |
Does R have a wildcard expresion AKA *
-0.07 |
Convert for loop to apply
-1.37 |
R Convert <key, val> pair into data.frame
-1.81 |
How to create multiple ,csv files in R?
+1.17 |
Extract date elements from POSIXlt and put into data frame in R
-0.69 |
Reshape data for values in one column
-0.57 |
Merge multiple data frames in a list simultaneously
-0.05 |
Inference about Slope coefficient in R
+0.60 |
Reshaping data in R
+1.77 |
optimization function in R that can accept objective, gradient, AND...
0.00 |
Error with levels using mlogit in R
-1.31 |
conditional strsplit
+0.42 |
Unique rows with multiple comma separated entries in R
-1.01 |
Subtracting small data.frame from large data.frame by grouped a var...
-0.09 |