Title |
Δ |
How to detect longpress in BarButtonitem
-4.28 |
Why latest Swift version always says variable is not initialized be...
+3.73 |
Looping zero-padded numbers in swift - Xcode
0.00 |
Swift: Transforming an Array of [A, B, B, B, A, B, B, B] into an Ar...
+0.98 |
Swift: fatal error: Array index out of range on deleting item from...
0.00 |
Gap on left hand side of UICollectionViewFlowLayout
+3.89 |
Passing data between unrelated view controllers
+3.63 |
How to remove Optional(" ") and format date in Swift
0.00 |
I want to Run a Service all the time Even App is closed,killed or t...
0.00 |
Accept decimals
+3.94 |
Initialize multidimensional array in swift
0.00 |
How do I change the font attributes of certain sections of a UILabe...
0.00 |
How to print table with one header
0.00 |
Random UIImageView Alpha
0.00 |
Using map with filter
-4.07 |
Strange SpriteKit For Loop Bug
+3.66 |
SWIFT dictionaries - Accessing a single value of a key with multipl...
-3.01 |
How to get NSObject value into String in swift?
+3.76 |
How to put placemark.locality in my weather API?
0.00 |
Optimal Way to Remove Unique Values from Two Arrays
-0.25 |
Swift NSURLSession access delegate within closure
0.00 |
Getting error in Xcode type "ViewController" does not con...
-2.17 |
Create Object name with index in Swift
0.00 |
Spritekit Game Fails to build on Xcode 6.3 Cannot load module '...
0.00 |
Swift: How to access in AppDelegate variable from the View controll...
0.00 |
handling location permissions instantaneously in swift
0.00 |
Swift Reverse Geocoding using the Data
0.00 |
Swift split array to string
0.00 |
Omit nil in string
+0.00 |
How to check bool inside of dictionary
-4.00 |
Swift, super.init() Must call a designated initializer of the super...
+0.31 |
How to return random dictionary
0.00 |
Can't see my SKShapeNode when creating a custom class
0.00 |
Temporarily disable hot-corners and dock screen switching
0.00 |
developing multiple panels in a single view
-3.21 |
Working with an array within an array - Swift
0.00 |
UIButton Text Only Appearing On Touch
0.00 |
No keyboard capture without title bar
-4.43 |
What is wrong in this code, it returns sytax error
+3.72 |
Java Skipping last varible
+3.77 |
Swift compiler error: segementation fault: 11 on Archive
0.00 |
What's the most efficient way to randomly change the color of 1...
0.00 |
Swift - Arrange Second Dictionary in Dictionary Alphabetically and...
+0.63 |
Make a list with Name and number, swift xcode
0.00 |
Singleton and init with parameter
-2.74 |
Swift error - immutable value '' may not be passed inout
0.00 |
init coder of UIView reload after call instantiateWithOwner
+3.86 |
initialize property in swift with additional values
-2.32 |
Swift: How to go through keys of a dictionary in the order they wer...
+3.69 |
Truncate beginning of label
+3.90 |