Title |
Δ |
rails4 using helper/service and where to put it
0.00 |
Rails helper form_for() ignores the url parameter
+0.33 |
How to avoid duplicate sanitation in controller and model?
+1.25 |
Ruby: Confused about how to make sense of this code
-0.21 |
create table rows of 4 in rails
+0.33 |
ActiveRecord::Base before_validation with conditional not triggered
-0.42 |
Extract Customer ID from Stripe JSON response in Ruby
0.00 |
How to make objects viewable for current user in rails
0.00 |
ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid: Mysql2::Error: Cannot delete or upd...
-3.10 |
Floor function to float numbers
-0.03 |
Not creating table after running the rake db:migrate command
0.00 |
Ruby get user input, add to array. Verify if user input matches arr...
0.00 |
Accessing newly singed up user in Rails app using devise
0.00 |
Return array with the longest strings only
0.00 |
Confused about many different ways of doing the same things
-0.18 |
Round a float up if positive, down if negative, to a set number of...
+1.22 |
Syntax error with $ anchor in regular expression
0.00 |
Creating rails object with date attribute passed in "%m/%d/%Y&...
0.00 |
How to print data in controller by using Ruby on Rails?
+0.32 |
How to check if any elements of an array are not included in anothe...
-1.52 |
Where to properly outsource model code in rails 4?
-0.48 |
Passing from a Controller to a Model
+1.39 |
How to make a call rake console, these settings are set by default?
0.00 |
RSpec Raising an Exception - expected exception, but nothing was ra...
0.00 |
IRB escapes UTF characters
0.00 |
Ruby 2.3.1 syntax error, unexpected ( arg, expecting keyword_then o...
0.00 |
weird error in production server on digital ocean
+0.29 |
Rails - Should I define default attribute value in model level or i...
+0.86 |
Tidy long string in Ruby
+0.37 |
Use value of key as part of value of another key in the same hash
+1.35 |
ruby apply method to string interpolation
0.00 |
Why the following works in ruby?
0.00 |
When using Rails, what is the highest Ruby Version I can u...
0.00 |
before destroy call back
-1.22 |
Replace several substrings by indices at once in ruby
0.00 |
Convert a standard JSON array into a 2d array object
+1.09 |
Rails Logs: Only show Create, Update, and Destroy SQL statements in...
0.00 |
Rails 4 - has_one and belongs_to throwing errors
-0.70 |
Sublime text 2 adds and removes blank lines on edit
0.00 |
Rails ActiveRecord query syntax issue - not returning any records
0.00 |
Ruby on Rails How can i display validation error message?
-0.19 |
Rails dummy object added to Active Record Array
0.00 |
Search an Array containing strings of names, return names with leng...
+1.11 |
bundle exec rake test throwing error
+0.56 |
Need Ruby method to convert an array of strings into a Hash
+0.32 |
Rails setting selection tag to predifined value
+1.26 |
Validation for uniqueness not working
0.00 |
Iterate of Rails Object array to create key/value pair
-0.57 |
Ruby round .5 not correct
-0.90 |
Images not loading in emails with CDN Hosts url rails
0.00 |