Title |
Δ |
Dependency injection in thread that create objects
0.00 |
Munq property injection of optional dependencies
0.00 |
Resolve concrete type depending on parameter in structuremap
-0.65 |
Property injection in custom membership provider using Castle
0.00 |
Is there a standard class to represent a “range” in .net?
-1.41 |
Code Anlysis Rule CA2000 / CA2202
-0.61 |
SimpleInjector does not inject property using Implicit Property Inj...
0.00 |
Prevent Simple Injector to throw an exception when resolving an unr...
0.00 |
inject behaviour on manual created objects
0.00 |
Global thread-safe multi-value custom Dictionary with single instan...
+0.36 |
Unity lazy resolve
0.00 |
"OR" on-demand with Linq to Entities, how can i do it?
-1.06 |
Generic Repository and Transaction
+0.37 |
IDisposable on an injected repository
-2.01 |
Initializing objects using configuration file at runtime
+0.85 |
IoC container, check for errors at compile time
+0.91 |
Windsor - pulling Transient objects from the container
0.00 |
Efficient data pattern to store three related items for easy access
-0.11 |
LightCore ServiceLocator with multiple registration on the same con...
0.00 |
How does Inversion of Control help me?
+0.35 |
EF DbContext per web request + Custom RoleProvider = RoleProvider p...
0.00 |
How to do open generic decorator chaining with unity + UnityAutoReg...
0.00 |
Convert Predicate<T> to Expression<Func<T, bool>>
-0.13 |
Low-Memory Traversal of Database Table
-2.49 |
How to rewrite a SQL query in LINQ to Entities?
+1.00 |
Linq to SQL, update many rows
+1.02 |
CQRS: Is it good to return result in ICommandExeuctor.Execute() met...
+1.41 |
Design By Contract, writing test-friendly code, object construction...
-2.02 |
School schedule, constructor?
+0.34 |
LINQ Max Grandchild
+1.42 |
Linq with Logic
-0.09 |
How to inject a factory of generic types with Autofac
+0.40 |
Connection Pooling w/ Dependency Injection Use HTTP Request Scope o...
0.00 |
Linq2SQL group-by and sum optimisation
0.00 |
Are these values dependencies?
0.00 |
Entity Framework context in context
0.00 |
register one type for two interfaces in StructureMap
-2.17 |
Iterating result of Linq query
-0.04 |
How to register a TImpl that has one moregeneric type parameter tha...
+2.00 |
How to register a TImpl that has one moregeneric type parameter tha...
-2.00 |
using interlocked usage
-2.10 |
conditional disposing of objects using DI framework (Ninject)
0.00 |
Ioc/DI - Why do I have to reference all layers/assemblies in entry...
-0.22 |
Unit test application including database is too slow
+0.78 |
Inject dependencies into mongodb entities
0.00 |
Dependency Injection & using interfaces?
+0.32 |
How can I segregate fat interface through implementing adaptern pat...
+1.70 |
How to write this in C# Linq
+0.97 |
How to organize DI Framework usage in an application?
0.00 |
Linq query with table joins,case statements, count, group by clauses
0.00 |