Title |
Δ |
How to migrate from @OneToOne which uses @JoinTable to just @OneToO...
0.00 |
Different between -cacerts and -clcerts when using openssl
0.00 |
Repository Tool for IT Landscape Artifacts Software Services
0.00 |
How to globally map Java types to UserTypes and database types?
-0.03 |
@ManyToOne for a single column
0.00 |
Why is hibernate searching for the discriminator column when it alr...
0.00 |
ORA-06550: PLS-00103: Encountered the symbol "" with myba...
0.00 |
JPQL - filter based on last updated timestamp attribute inside @Ele...
0.00 |
What is the advantage of using `@SequenceGenerator` vs auto increme...
+3.90 |
How to properly update entities using REST and JPA/Hibernate
+4.08 |
NoSuchBeanDefinitionException: No bean named 'metricFilter'...
-0.14 |
UnsupportedClassVersionError: javax/annotation/ManagedBean : Unsupp...
+4.04 |
Error deploying spring boot to weblogic 10.3 - Exception in AppMerg...
0.00 |
object references an unsaved transient instance - save the transien...
0.00 |
Issue with Spring Rest @RequestMapping when negating params
+4.05 |
How to resolve : java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: javax.persistence.Ent...
0.00 |
hibernate/jpa ignoring LAZY FETCHING in @XxxToOne relationship
0.00 |
Java JPA Hibernate save not inserting referenced entities
+0.16 |
Specific query in java spring called from rest controller
+0.13 |
Update multiple fields of JPA Entity
-0.08 |
Why does persisting entity twice avoid errors around cascading for...
-3.90 |
spring data error when trying to sort by a field of joined entity i...
+4.01 |
JPA Join Fetch of a concrete class
0.00 |
The entity is not updated on entity listener @PostPersist (Spring d...
-4.15 |
Spring JPA: Change attribute of instance that is simultaniously bei...
0.00 |
change discriminator value at runtime?
0.00 |
eclipse struts2 hibernate jpa configuration
-4.42 |
JPA Composite key with foriegn key + ManyToOne
0.00 |
What em.merge will do with the state of detached entity?
0.00 |
How Hibernate/Jpa differs transient and detached instance/object?
0.00 |
Hibernate OneToMany relation with non primary key one side and Embe...
0.00 |
Hibernate query to Get one hour back rows from oracle table
-4.06 |
Using orm.xml in tests of SpringBoot 2.0
0.00 |
Hibernate: Field 'id' doesn't have a default value
0.00 |
Abort or terminate the Request which takes long time to respond back
0.00 |
CriteriaBuilder query with Like between two columns
0.00 |
JPA Pessimistic Lock Not Working
0.00 |
How to avoid to read the inserted ID in Eclipselink JPA
+3.60 |
Mapped column value to enum first argument
-0.19 |
How to strip accents in JPA Criteria API
+4.03 |
Exception [EclipseLink-3002] (Eclipse Persistence Services - 2.6.2....
0.00 |
Hibernate Make a join to existing many to many relationship
0.00 |
JPA : Database DEFAULT initialization
+0.07 |
Spring Data JPA. How to filter by child collection attribute child...
0.00 |
How to persist an enum with JPA?
+0.03 |
How to handle row lock contention at application level
0.00 |
Sorting jpa nested entity
0.00 |
Many to Many but add one more column how to do it?
0.00 |
How to bootstrap Hibernate entites in J2EE envrionment
0.00 |
Hibernate inheritance: Schema-validation: missing column
0.00 |