Title |
Δ |
Power Query - Check occurrence of certain character in each row
+1.54 |
Excel macro to remove rows containing variable text
-0.65 |
How to input periods in Excel
+0.74 |
How can I calculate the amount of hours in a duration that exceeds...
-0.15 |
excel vba does not find outlook 2010 appointment using restrict fil...
0.00 |
Excel or VBA to convert unstructured text to column
-0.66 |
Power BI Running total horizontally
+0.37 |
excel alphanumeric sequence
+0.26 |
Excel 2016 splitting a string with several spaces
-0.34 |
Excel: =SWITCH() not working with wildcard character *
+1.68 |
Ho do I validate a YYYYMMDD string is a date in Excel VBA?
+0.36 |
How can I remove line breaks from a cell but keep the address forma...
-1.92 |
VBA if statement function multiply data from two columns
-0.15 |
extract dates from a string in excel and copied over to a new row
-1.97 |
How to generate a list based on formula results
0.00 |
Excel VBA Match function to take either String or Integer variables...
-0.15 |
VBA - Extract specific part of String
-1.41 |
Reformat name in cell to First Initial. Last Name in Excel VBA
+1.34 |
String conversion discrepancy
0.00 |
find the row number of the first empty cell in the first column in...
+0.98 |
Excel VBA, loop that sums and then counts anew with each new value
-1.26 |
vba function for multiple statement
0.00 |
Get exchange rates - help me update URL in Excel VBA code that used...
-2.36 |
Variable with decimal gets converted into 2 figures when used in an...
-2.43 |
Fast convert of Textformat to Numberformat in Excel - VBA
+1.58 |
Find the last not empty column in a range of cells holding a formula
+1.20 |
Find Digits between two characters without using Regex
+1.05 |
How to find adress of cells for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd highest values wh...
0.00 |
Subtotal average, of data linked to a particular month in Excel 2016
+0.35 |
Excel VBA AverageIF Zero
0.00 |
Create a list of values from a table of values and exclude certain...
+0.72 |
How do I find out why I get an error when writing to an Excel cell...
+1.84 |
Counting number of cells based on month of a date
+0.32 |
Leading zero vba excel wrong dates
+0.26 |
VBA - Add days with weekends, less the weekend of actual week
-0.40 |
Excel VBA - How do I use Split on a named range?
0.00 |
Calculating instances beteen two values
+0.96 |
Having trouble with jsonconverter.bas parsing json with vba excel
0.00 |
Excel: adding multiple h:mm:ss cells
-2.37 |
Find anything but a number or "C"
-0.67 |
Excel Hates Defined Name for Formula referring to Same Row in Table...
0.00 |
VBA Module disappears after saving Excel workbook
0.00 |
Return the only non-FALSE value in an array
+0.32 |
In Excel, if cell is blank OR formula result is 0, then how to show...
0.00 |
Count by number of Characters in VBA Excel
-0.35 |
Creating a Formula/UDF to work out number of days minus any overlap
0.00 |
Excel calculate fraction
0.00 |
Excel VBA String Conversion with Math Properties
+1.22 |
How can you dynamically extract a string from a longer string in Ex...
-1.50 |
Counting first occurence of consecutive values that pass criteria
+0.98 |