Title |
Δ |
VBA Calculate a range of cells after copying and pasting formulas
+1.63 |
Duplicate Removal Within a String or Across Column in Excel
-0.04 |
Named ranges won't work
-0.03 |
Unique numbers depending on date
-0.11 |
Excel VBA to find and mask PAN data using regex for PCI DSS complia...
0.00 |
Find first workday of current month
-1.03 |
How do I match two columns of URLs in Excel where the common value...
-0.04 |
How do copy just text values of cells in Excel
0.00 |
sumproduct function in excel #value
-2.04 |
Combine Rows with duplicate values, merge cells if different
-0.21 |
How to find multiple strings in VBA
-0.70 |
VBA: to calculate Monthly Returns from Daily Values
+1.83 |
De-Stacking columns in Excel using VBA
+1.01 |
Using a regular expression to find words with lower and upper case...
-0.76 |
Wildcard search in array
-0.12 |
How to sort row values in excel and display corresponding column na...
-1.27 |
Extracting the month value from date field array
+0.48 |
Compile Error Array Expected - Ubound - VBA
+0.45 |
VBA copy rows after comparing column data
0.00 |
VBA, excel cut a part from a string
-0.20 |
Regex Match All Characters Between Tags on nth occurrence
0.00 |
Search for a specific number (in inch) where the number isn't p...
+1.22 |
Writing a macro to paste an array
0.00 |
Formula for finding between the 2 dates whether Leap Year comes in-...
+1.53 |
Check if cell is only a-z excel
-0.54 |
How to remove ordinals from datetime strings in google docs or excel?
+0.49 |
Identify a child cell in an array
0.00 |
Count number of words in a cell that are in a range
+0.18 |
Limits reached in INDEX(MATCH()) when taking array as argument to l...
0.00 |
How Do I Find First Occurrence Of A Value In An Array In Excel
-0.12 |
Calculate standard deviation of same text values between cells in s...
-0.02 |
How do I check if a cell only contains characters from a specific l...
-2.14 |
Runtime error 1004. Need to fetch value from another sheet in same...
-0.06 |
Excel formula to search partial match and align row
+0.47 |
Extract 5-digit number from one column to another
+0.04 |
VBA move value to adjecent cell
-0.06 |
Assign Date to PivotTable in Excel
0.00 |
How to concatenate a list of words into a sentence with "and&q...
-0.55 |
Excel extract from brackets
-0.77 |
In Microsoft Excel, how do I copy a range of ROWS from sheet1 into...
0.00 |
Get A List Of Excel Cells Where The Cell Name Contains A Substring
0.00 |
Excel split cell into 2 separate cells by letters/digits
+1.39 |
Excel IF statement
-0.40 |
copy datetime value from csv into excel using macro
-0.06 |
Excel won't recognize interior color when using sumbycolor funt...
0.00 |
Transform Excel table into list skipping blank values
+1.88 |
How to do a special type of rounding in excel/vba
+0.47 |
Excel VBA to parse vowels in a string
-0.53 |
Excel Combination Generator
0.00 |
Regular Expression using VBA in Excel not matching as expected
0.00 |