Title |
Δ |
Using Ruby, Reading a file, containing name/value pairs into a hash
+1.72 |
In Ruby, is scan() the only function that can return multiple resul...
+5.68 |
How to get all leading characters before the first instance of a nu...
-2.37 |
Can I disable the log header for ruby logger?
0.00 |
Ruby - Making a newline within usage of gsub
+3.91 |
Find and replace variable in Ruby string
-4.16 |
Repeatable randomness in Ruby
+4.30 |
How calculate the day of the week of a date in ruby?
+2.44 |
Ruby regexp help
0.00 |
How to split a string in Ruby?
+4.23 |
Ruby getting a particular line from a file?
-3.27 |
How do I split apart a CSV string in Ruby?
-3.16 |
Is there an advantage to running JRuby if you don't know any Java?
-0.06 |
Ruby use case for nil, equivalent to Python None or JavaScript unde...
+1.23 |
Getting "uninitialized constant Zookeeper (NameError)" wh...
0.00 |
Make a Time.local object which incorporates a Date object in Ruby
0.00 |
In Ruby, should we always use "&&", "||"...
+1.51 |
Ruby or regex to strip excess line breaks
-1.35 |
Split string suppressing all null fields
-1.95 |
Parsing text using Ruby
-1.46 |
How can I chomp every line in an array at once?
-3.96 |
In Ruby, some good ways to convert everything in array of hash valu...
-1.44 |
OptParse: A way to handle directories or files?
+4.09 |
Search ruby hash for empty value
-2.19 |
Ruby Shoes: Minimize app to system tray on windows
0.00 |
Constructing string with values from hash in Ruby
-1.78 |
stuck on about_methods.rb on the EdgeCase Ruby Koans
-3.65 |
Ruby String to Date Conversion
-4.37 |
Distributed sequential random number generation in Ruby 1.9.2
0.00 |
How do I configure Ruby alone with Apache + FastCGI?
0.00 |
Reset loop, or return to start of loop, in Ruby? (Finding a number'...
-1.55 |
What's the best way to start a background process, that can get acc...
+3.92 |
How to match unicode words with ruby 1.9?
+3.10 |
Multilevel Hash Default Parameters When Accessing Non-Existant Keys...
-2.17 |
How do I convert a string text into a class name
+0.19 |
How to convert apache log time to activerecord :datetime
+3.96 |
How can I get a lazy array in Ruby?
0.00 |
Why does Ruby have TrueClass and FalseClass instead of a single Boo...
0.00 |
how to remove leading and trailing non-alphabetic characters in ruby
+0.22 |
Don't Require RubyGems in Ruby 1.9
0.00 |
How To Convert Arabic Number Ascii Code to String in ROR?
0.00 |
Can i Use the value of a variable from within a ruby script inside...
0.00 |
Ruby 1.9: turn these 4 arrays into hash of key/value pairs
-2.12 |
How to determine if a character is a Chinese character
+3.92 |
string.split method in ruby behaves funny to me
-3.05 |
IRb: how to start an interactive ruby session with pre-loaded classes
+1.20 |
What's the __repr__ equivalence in ruby?
-4.49 |
Only some windows shell commands work via ruby?
+3.71 |
next element is (current+1) or 0 (ruby)
+3.97 |
Shortest way of determining a name ends with an `s`, `x` or `z`, an...
0.00 |