Title |
Δ |
Why isn't my SQL database created?(Android)
-0.95 |
How should I should I store my android app's images?
0.00 |
AsyncTask ; doInbackground() not called after calling method onPreE...
0.00 |
Android: animate he images towards center and expand
0.00 |
Images in RecyclerView
+3.90 |
Sort images according to date and display in gridview
+4.06 |
How to get a TextView from other class
-0.89 |
Android Dex:Unable to execute DX (IntelliJ), How to solve?
0.00 |
Better Way to Convert Array String to String Variable
+4.35 |
How can make the first window close when i go to the second?
0.00 |
Java: boolean primitive private method returning false even though...
-1.80 |
how to write to new text file in java
+4.05 |
Inverted order of JSON elements in Java after XML conversion
-0.32 |
dividing screen into 6 areas with detecting multi touches
0.00 |
Can I set metadata attributes on my Image such as, Title, Comment,...
0.00 |
Activity cannot be loaded. outofMemory Runtime Exception
+0.11 |
Detect two hardware button press simultaneously
+0.16 |
Why Android uses Ints instead of Enums
-1.07 |
Add Items to an ArrayList<String> that has been passed betwee...
+1.44 |
How can i set image Size for Round corner Imageview
+3.89 |
How can I get the battery status after 1h?
0.00 |
setResult and OnAcivityResult issue in android
+2.10 |
display string on value change (higher value more characters)
+0.30 |
Android Export Wizard Error
0.00 |
Pick image Intent independent from device
0.00 |
Send picture from Android app to server http post
-0.04 |
panning not working correctly in mapView
-2.01 |
What is the difference of declaring a method public or not?
+0.20 |
How to place a listener in a thread in android
+2.14 |
How to get root ViewGroup from a layout that was set using setConte...
+0.27 |
android simple file browser
-0.01 |
Android: retrieve information from an internet site
-2.88 |
How to create dynamically findViewById() for a class
+0.17 |
Android app crashes when EditText is empty
0.00 |
Android Button OnClick Error
+4.80 |
how to call notifyDataSetChanged() from a fragment?
-1.73 |
Java - Saving values availiable in whole application
-3.85 |
TextView will not fill parent width
-3.88 |
How efficient is Arrays.sort(...) for a 2 Million elements arrays t...
+1.41 |
Change inSampleSize of a Bitmap
0.00 |
TextView.setText() crashing my app
+0.11 |
Android onClickListener and Button only fires once
-4.27 |
Android: starting activity with extra bitmap error
+0.13 |
R cannot be resolved and is not the field
-1.95 |
AndroidStudio Calendar.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH) nullPointer Excep...
+0.05 |
Android getView method confusion
-0.26 |
Why does Rect(10,10,20,20) NOT intersect with Rect(20,20,30,30)
-1.91 |
Can i get isAppRunning==false after i call onDestroy or finish()?
-0.02 |
Points of circles
0.00 |
Start Activity and Bring it to Front
-0.05 |