Title |
Δ |
Presto insert value in to a column of (array<struct<pos:int,...
0.00 |
Presto Produce JSON results
0.00 |
Prestodb (AWS EMR) load partition metadata
+3.35 |
Why is ORDER BY not working in a Presto query?
-4.09 |
presto filter item from varchar list
0.00 |
Presto: is MAX_BY() deterministic
+4.86 |
Presto SQL WHERE filter for a column that contains an array of stru...
+4.14 |
Presto subqueries: Key not present in map
0.00 |
Fuzzy join with Levenshtein distance
+3.14 |
Presto query: add the average value as a new column
+3.77 |
question about operator in java with System.out.print
+4.14 |
How do I accomplish "cascading grouping" of columns in AN...
-2.79 |
presto replace multiple characters
0.00 |
How can I hash a string to a bigint in presto?
0.00 |
Presto filter an array during aggregation
0.00 |
How to parse a date column if records also have timezone in AWS Ath...
0.00 |
presto - concat columns names
+1.92 |
Use LIKE, BETWEEN, TIMESTAMP for Athena in a Presto SQL statement?
0.00 |
Convert Current Timestamp UTC to CET
0.00 |
Generate SQL statement using Facebook Presto SQL Parser
0.00 |
Is there a way to extract data from a map(varchar, varchar) column...
+4.58 |
MySQL date_format( date, '%Y-%m-%d %h') as `day-hour` equiv...
0.00 |
how to format number separated by comma for every three integer dig...
0.00 |
Presto odbc failing to read timestamp fileds in HIVE
0.00 |
How to format a number as percentage with 2 decimal places in Presto?
0.00 |
Presto Multi table Join with Broadcast Join Distribution
0.00 |
Presto convert timestamp to epoch
0.00 |
SQL Count Matches
+4.77 |
How to insert 2 case when conditions into sum() function in SQL?
-0.37 |
Presto: how to fill in gap and copy value from previous rows
0.00 |
Set a number of files that will be written with INSERT statement
0.00 |
RowType support in Presto
0.00 |
Presto how to find start date given week
+3.64 |
Presto SQL - distinct in selective group by
0.00 |
SQL to get next monday in Presto
-2.79 |
How to extract day/month/year etc from varchar date field, using Pr...
+3.67 |
NULL NOT IN (Empty_Relation) of SQL query shows different behaviors...
+4.29 |
Getting day of week from date column in prestosql?
+3.76 |
Tweaking query to account for an if statement?
-0.19 |
Presto - split the array by certain value
0.00 |
How to explode an Array and create a view in Hive?
+4.15 |
Creating bins in presto sql - programmatically
+4.28 |
unnest() not exploding array, returns error Column alias list has 1...
0.00 |
Can I use json_array_length with a conditional?
0.00 |
max_by with multiple return columns
+4.10 |
Select everything after a common deliminator in Presto
0.00 |
Condensing arrays in Presto
0.00 |
Split substring in string
+0.12 |
Unable to convert varchar to array in Presto Athena
0.00 |
Extract value from Row object
0.00 |