Title |
Δ |
check if table exists SQL
-2.11 |
How to extract data from variable string and use in a select query
0.00 |
SQL looking for all values of a column in another table
+2.22 |
how do i use 'distinct' properly for my product query
+1.77 |
SQL Query question - How to select groups of rows using commonalities
-0.08 |
Help me to optimize hard logic on SQL
+1.37 |
sql server 2 views in one
+1.47 |
How to get the position of a row in an arbitrary ordering?
+0.04 |
Batch file - Display text for 5 seconds
-0.02 |
SQL query for splitting the period of date into each date for corre...
-1.30 |
How can you use SQL to return values for a specified date or closes...
-0.45 |
how to display weekdays from below two days (Monday and Friday)?
+0.02 |
Who defines %cd% for my batch?
+0.80 |
ADD_MONTHS function does not return the correct date in Oracle
-0.15 |
Strange question about windows batch file
-1.02 |
get first row of group by clause in query sqlserver
-0.71 |
Intermittent time series. Return first date of last contiguous bloc...
-2.07 |
How to convert (cast) int to ntext
+0.52 |
Assign value for each row
-0.38 |
SQL Int to Date then 1 year ahead?
+1.33 |
Select rows with multiple occurrences over multiple tables
-0.48 |
Randomly sum rows
+0.02 |
MySQL Error: Subquery returns more than one row
-0.16 |
SQL Server UPDATE with WHERE spanning over 2 tables
-1.02 |
Batch file DIR to grab only the top 10 results?
0.00 |
UPDATE-no-op in SQL MERGE statement
0.00 |
open file directory
+2.46 |
MYSQL Combine results of multiple subqueries
+0.53 |
Using Oracle data in a SQL Server function
0.00 |
Adding a join to a count() query
-0.98 |
T-SQL How to update hour in a SmallDateTime column?
+1.38 |
SQL query for maximum date
+0.01 |
Query for finding the tuple with other corresponding elements of va...
+1.64 |
Need help with a SQL query
+0.08 |
Calculated Measure aggregating on certain cells only
+0.03 |
Mysql join with time matching
+1.30 |
Is it possible to merge these queries?
-1.93 |
how is czech "ch" letter stored in mysql and how to get i...
-0.96 |
change query to return the rows that don't match
+0.54 |
SQL query to check if a date is close to today
+0.30 |
How do I solve these two errors when creating a trigger?
+0.03 |
How to replace substrings in windows batch file
+1.26 |
Sql concatenate problem?
+0.34 |
Counting distinct undirected edges in a directed graph in SQL
0.00 |
Using sp_executesql with params complains of the need to declare a...
-0.35 |
Grouping by contiguous dates, ignoring weekends in SQL
0.00 |
split a column's value into 2 different columns
0.00 |
Trouble Writing a Complicated Query with MySQL
+0.51 |
Does a "Power to" function in batch files exist? (Exponent)
+1.34 |
pipe multiple files into a single batch file (using explorer highli...
-1.63 |