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Title Δ
Haskell - Capitalize the first letter of each word in a string with... -0.09
Haskell - Set a limit to the "group" function +0.52
Is it actually possible to remove "Pi" from Calculus of C... 0.00
Self-representation and universes in OTT 0.00
Using subst in an application would screw up type of the result 0.00
How to write a function returns either Integer or Bool based on a u... +0.12
Haskell - keep adding user input ints until a negative is encountered +1.03
Pointfree function for fold left operation -1.15
Modeling System F's parametric polymorphism at Set₀ 0.00
Is it possible to type `min` in a normalizing theory such as System... 0.00
Why won't this simple Morte program typecheck? +0.34
Taking out the last occurrence of a certain element in a list in Ha... +1.27
Gather data about existing tree-like data +0.51
Agda unification over a list 0.00
Is it possible to define Omega combinator (λx.xx) in modern Haskell? -1.21
How to enumerate the elements of a list by `Fin`s in linear time? 0.00
Is it possible to partially apply nth parameter in Haskell? +1.69
So: what's the point? 0.00
Sorting a string by character frequency +2.08
Do recursion and counting numbers at the same time in Haskell 0.00
Is it possible to infer the normalized source of a pure λ function... 0.00
Dependent types can prove your code is correct up to a specificatio... +0.28
Is there any way to separate infinite and finite lists? +0.51
minimum height in tree +1.51
Recovering a type in Idris 0.00
Getting all the diagonals of a matrix in Haskell -0.99
In GHC.TypeLits what is someNatVal good for (which we can't acc... +0.76
How to obtain a list of values from a Data.AVL.Tree? +0.52
Checking for consecutive True in list Haskell using fold -0.95
Double negation proof -0.41
Haskell: Monads of monad -1.45
A sticky refusal 0.00
Haskell's "permutations" function defined oddly -0.97
Explain this strange effect from the order of arguments (and provid... 0.00
Prove m ≤ n -> k ≤ l -> m + k ≤ n + l in Agda 0.00
Haskell: Function to apply some function to nested 2-tuples -0.58
Instance search limitations 0.00
Defined a type family (++); any way to prove that (vs ++ us) ~ '... +0.54
How to compare Vectors of Nats in Agda -0.34
How do I use the Church encoding for Free Monads? -0.38
Adventures with the untyped lambda calculus -1.39
Eliminating a Maybe at the type level 0.00
Is it possible to represent this transformation in a strongly typed... -0.12
How recursively call subsequences in haskell +0.37
How to compare two sets in Agda? 0.00
Statically balanced trees in Agda +0.55
How to make Agda pretty-print products nicely +2.38
What's a good way to represent free groups? 0.00
How should the general type of a "lemma" function be unde... +2.38
Preserving functor positivity when going via product vs. vector 0.00