Title |
Δ |
Change layout from Coroutine
-2.18 |
Snap to only one item at a time and not more in android recyclerview
0.00 |
Format month of date to string of 3 first letters- Kotlin
+3.95 |
Why does Android Studio suggest that onTouch call view.performClick?
0.00 |
Determine snap ended event in android recycler view
0.00 |
Move between fragments without recreation- Kotlin
+3.82 |
Could not find method destination() for arguments on Report xml of...
0.00 |
EditText's height does not expand to its parent's height
-0.06 |
Recyclerview separator with custom padding
0.00 |
How to declare ArrayAdapter without initializing it
0.00 |
How to open email client without sending an email using intents?
0.00 |
Retrieve Small Icon as Bitmap from StatusBarNotification
0.00 |
ImageVIew slightly outside of the parent view
0.00 |
how to instantiate an object from a class in kotlin
-1.41 |
Spinner selections made in RecyclerView are getting reset when scro...
0.00 |
Realm access from incorrect thread. Realm objects can only be acces...
-3.61 |
Transparency on image and text
+3.89 |
android TextView: How to avoid line breaks?
0.00 |
removeCallbacks() doesn't seems to delete the specified Runnabl...
0.00 |
Why TextWatcher inheritor with two methods implemented, and third i...
0.00 |
how to update custom layout notification actions?
0.00 |
How to collapse and change view in android? (not toolbar)
0.00 |
Is it possible to check dynamically by java code if google-services...
-0.09 |
Check the availability of GoogleMaps on Android if not direct to Pl...
0.00 |
How to Start my application Map Activity in a Different App?
0.00 |
Chat head bubbles like Facebook Messenger without permission
0.00 |
cardview shadow elevation animation in recyclerview
0.00 |
Set empty error to TextInputLayout
0.00 |
Custom Map for Hospitals
0.00 |
Android Studio Cannot Build gradle
+3.86 |
When Returning an ArrayList of Strings Via Intent I Get null Value
+3.88 |
Find the nearest friends from my current location
0.00 |
Problems sending ArrayList<MyObject> in intent
+4.16 |
findViewById() not finding custom view but it exists in layout
0.00 |
How to change item in recycler view dynamically based on user's...
0.00 |
TextInputLayout not showing hint while typing
-4.03 |
Method call stack in Android
0.00 |
Android enable only emoji in keyboard
0.00 |
Start Activity With out bluetooth
0.00 |
duplicate entry: android/support/annotation/DimenRes.class
0.00 |
Create boolean listener
+0.26 |
How to get SIM 2 details from android device
0.00 |
Click on link on custom adapter
0.00 |
Recursion java - Testing is the sum of the two Integers are equal B...
-0.99 |
get number of the week in the year where first day of the week is S...
+3.57 |
How can I recreate this design in attached image?
+0.06 |
In Parse when i use json data as a message my notification is not r...
0.00 |
Receive push message after time of publication with Parse in Android
-4.02 |
Country names list
0.00 |
Database with repeating records
0.00 |