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Title Δ
URL types with multiple bundle identifiers for iOS apps 0.00
Checking if cells are selected or not when button is pressed swift +0.33
String var not printing all values from XML parse 0.00
Detecting Push Notifications Showed on iOS device screen when our a... 0.00
Apple Pay iOS Swift Apply Coupon -0.17
ADAL Authentication Requires Device managed 0.00
Unknow constrain found inside a view -0.66
Assign UITableView Cell label text from Swift dictionary -0.83
Swift - Movable rows in tableView only within a section, not between +0.32
When is "required init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder)" called... 0.00
Represent date string as UTC date and convert it into local timezone 0.00
how to monitor when tasks of dispatch queue in recursion all comple... 0.00
Why outlet cannot be init within initWithCoder? 0.00
CBPeripheralManager.updateValue vs CBPeripheral.writeValue? -0.18
Swift ENUM how to convert "rawValue" back to Enum case? +0.72
Make my simple struct codable in Swift 4 doesn't work 0.00
showing an error as has need to conform the protocol -0.20
Change image when a button is clicked using Objective-C 0.00
Why is paymentQueue(_:shouldAddStorePayment:_:) not being called? 0.00
Problem with location permission during first time launch only in s... 0.00
DeviceCheck API is setting bits independently of TransID 0.00
How to add to iTunes Connect users, when phone number is Apple Id 0.00
Apple TV - How to download and installing "ipa" file? 0.00
Container View and some problems with it 0.00
passing tapped cell data to another view via segue in Swift +0.88
(UILabel) nil, Cannot insert text in the label 0.00
iOS Swift to Objective-C how to pass weak references to arrays? 0.00
iOS CoreBluetooth - Peripheral connect to Central within range 0.00
How can I put cell data into a cell class instead of VC class?, iOS... +0.87
Get NSInternalInconsistencyException Error when I try to add a row... -0.67
How to end a phone call on iOS by callkit? +0.33
Can I make network calls within my iOS background fetch? 0.00
iOS in-app purchase of auto-renewing subscriptions: how do we compu... 0.00
How to fetch record changes from PUBLIC database using cloudkit? 0.00
Swift 4 - How to import AppDelegate in a pods class 0.00
receipt validation before showing IAP-page 0.00
AppStore in-app purchase flow with own server 0.00
Assigning a dictionary of type [String:AnyObject] to [String: Strin... 0.00
I can't understand the result Why that slash added ? How to rem... 0.00
Opening a desktop shortcut on IOS (ipad) via JS 0.00
BLE Connection between iPhone and iPad with JustWorks bonding 0.00
Neither weak nor strong or unowned will do during self dismissal? +0.85
Is there a way to block No Caller ID with Call Directory Extension... 0.00
Apps with same bundleID will have same Sandbox? 0.00
Can I Have 2 or more developer names displayed on iOS AppStore? -0.67
How can a CBPeripheralManager know when it is connected to a centra... 0.00
Does upgrading APNs to Authentication token from certificate invali... -0.17
CallKit: obtain a list of currently blocked phone numbers 0.00
How to Monitor places swift 4 0.00
iOS How to get more then 100 values from array Swift 0.00