Title |
Δ |
How to change all characters except for the two?
-1.65 |
Regex: Matching a part of last part of URL?
-1.64 |
Get an array with characters and them ANSI colors from an input str...
0.00 |
Matching string with spaces in random places?
+2.32 |
How to modify an event through a Runnable
0.00 |
The best way to match at least three out of four regex requirements
-1.96 |
What do the constructs \H, \V and \N mean?
0.00 |
Class.forName("FQN") throws ClassNotFoundException Interm...
0.00 |
Regex for avoid first more than one zero
+0.46 |
lambda, netbeans, Error: incompatible Types error
-0.98 |
Match groups in comma-delimited list, ignoring commas in brackets
+1.37 |
Is there any way to allow user registration via corporate email val...
+0.41 |
Extracting pattern from string with unknown length
-0.06 |
Where do I insert jsfiddle code in raw html
0.00 |
Capture multiples groups in regex
0.00 |
Matching incremental digits in numbers
+0.06 |
What mistake did I do for this unexpected negative lookahead subpat...
+0.31 |
The operator + is undefined for the arguement type(s) ChatColor, int
0.00 |
Range 1 to 9223372036854775807 with regular expression
0.00 |
Can I check if a void method returned?
-1.28 |
How to trigger calls to .serializeWithType() of a class implementin...
-0.04 |
How do I find a word within range of another word with regex?
0.00 |
Regex match double quote, but not pair of double quotes
+0.21 |
Regular expression not matching
-1.24 |
Java File Reading Incorrectly
-1.28 |
regex for removing zeros in decimal string
-0.00 |
Why does this method not return whether the area is bigger than the...
+0.44 |
Using regex to check is string has at least two numbers
-1.88 |
How to craft a regex for processing a source file, where the search...
-0.06 |
Check if the user input fits
-0.06 |
How to initialize variables from list in Java?
+1.73 |
How to read values in a text document and then make then parse them...
+0.43 |
In regex, match instances of a number but only if not accompanied b...
-0.67 |
java Array.utils , it doesn't actually delete the object
-1.08 |
Dynamic object creation in java using reflection
0.00 |
Store the whole word using RegEx
-0.44 |
Negative lookbehind in a regex with an optional prefix
-0.06 |
Parsing string to string array using regular expression
+0.02 |
Loop through char array and count chars
-0.31 |
matching two strings, one with x, other one with any characters
+2.05 |
Why does this simple JavaScript password regex not work?
-2.22 |
Match full sentences skipping spurious dots
-1.97 |
Regular expression matches special character
+0.44 |
Reset score from an objective?
+0.44 |
Finding n characters with exactly (or at least) one linebreak
+1.88 |
Atomic groups clarity
+2.29 |
Atomic groups clarity
-0.71 |
notepad++ multipart regex replace on over 2000 files - confirmation...
0.00 |
Replace all multispace characters with a single space EXCEPT the ne...
0.00 |
Regex to find a regular expression flags and search pattern
+0.74 |