Title |
Δ |
Sum of elements of multiple matrices
+2.54 |
Implementing rbind for a series of matrix
-0.40 |
Separating a column element into 3 separate columns (R)
+1.04 |
R: use of ddply on a data frame with categorical variable
+0.09 |
regex for matching column names on a matrix
+0.09 |
R - I want to go through rows of a big matrix and remove all zeros
-0.47 |
R How do I extract first row of each matrix within a list?
+0.36 |
R: Delete all values with less than 3 samples, count method without...
-0.31 |
How to add a vector of variable names to a data frame in R?
-1.15 |
Deriving contingency table from a bigger contingency table in R
-1.16 |
Merging two data frame lists based on comparing two column values a...
+0.07 |
Switch statement in R with integer values
+2.57 |
How to create an expanding sequence in R, such as c(1,1,2,1,2,3,1,2...
-1.04 |
R: Delete rows based on different values following a certain pattern
+0.08 |
subsetting data frame by row index
+0.59 |
Want to subset dataframe from beginning to certain value
+0.08 |
Finding max value for a column in dataframe for each day in R
-0.97 |
How to transform a directed Dataset into a Matrix with R
-0.09 |
How to convert a species by species interaction matrix into a dataf...
+0.88 |
Stats on every n rows for each column
-1.35 |
R: combining descriptive columns and related values into matrix form
0.00 |
R: Merge duplicate matches horizontally
+0.58 |
How to omit rows with NA in only two columns in R?
-1.46 |
Filling in missing values from API imported data
0.00 |
reshaping data with non unique replicate variables
0.00 |
R unique values count
+1.47 |
Chr to date in R
-0.78 |
Split vector of string elements into list
-0.33 |
Calculate percentage by column values
-0.86 |
How to average a row over three columns
0.00 |
how to select only numeric columns from a data table
-0.42 |
Remove Duplicates Based on ID Variable?
+1.05 |
How to add functions in R
-1.32 |
R: Select value from a different column for each row
+0.54 |
R: adding new column and filling in values from column below
-0.60 |
R: Delete part of a value for the whole column
+0.21 |
holt winters in R by grouping a set of observations (like HW per re...
0.00 |
Which of elements come together in different data
+0.30 |
ifelse formatting for groups of multiple columns R
+0.84 |
performing something similar to rbind in dplyr or tidyr?
0.00 |
Extracting columns from dataframes in a list to produce a final, co...
-0.27 |
fill missing columns with NA while extracting from a data.frame
+1.39 |
Why rbind throws a warning
+0.37 |
Are there more elegant ways to transform ragged data into a tidy da...
+2.58 |
Split strings by commas only if substrings are elements of another...
+1.54 |
matching different tables in R and working the results
+0.57 |
Error: only defined on a data frame with all numeric variables with...
-0.42 |
R: Limit each element up to 5
-0.27 |
Compute cumulative sum for levels of a nesting variable
+2.41 |
Create frequency table multiple variables-different number of rows
0.00 |