Title |
Δ |
Convert a vector with rownames to a dataframe in r
+1.90 |
Define a specific column in a function
0.00 |
R iterate over consecutive pairs in a list
+1.76 |
how to write conditions in R
-2.32 |
Deleting x rows every y rows in a dataframe in R
-0.36 |
Character column split into list column in tibble
-1.29 |
Break string into new rows after grepl
-2.15 |
Dedup data frame without using unique()
-0.15 |
transpose a columns to row in a list of dataframes and write it to...
-1.39 |
How to order X axis variables in descending order based on their Y...
0.00 |
Tidyverse: group_by, arrange, and lag across columns
0.00 |
How to compress data by taking the average of every n rows?
-0.65 |
There were 50 or more warnings (use warnings() to see the first 50)
+1.88 |
Remove ID's which have a zero value in more than "n"...
+1.92 |
Remove ID's based on their max value with dpylr in R
+1.94 |
How can I transform a column in r under a certain length?
+1.97 |
Perform a different simple custom function based on group
+1.99 |
r: as.date funtion returns to NA
-0.11 |
Assign partial factor levels in R
0.00 |
How to extract number of observations for each year
+0.38 |
How to take data from one data.frame and put it in another with mul...
0.00 |
Rbind dataframes using list of names and paste function
0.00 |
How do a "Find and Replace All" in R?
+0.37 |
How to read files to list of dataframes based on string matching R
-0.57 |
Aggregate top 3 values of a numerical column
-1.86 |
In R, iterate over a data.frame by row and get access to the column...
+1.44 |
Trying to create a data frame with all possible combinations of N c...
-0.45 |
Can I multiply 10 logical columns in a data frame into one column,...
-0.63 |
Replace values with a "translation" from another table
-0.47 |
Create a new column as the consensus of value within groups in R
+0.38 |
Replace values in a column of a df all at the same time
+1.54 |
Select only the first two digits of a string of the value that star...
-2.02 |
using r to count character occurrences in multiple columns of data....
0.00 |
rbind with partial column match?
+0.03 |
Concatenating two columns together in R with NAs
0.00 |
Table manipulation in R - dplyr/tidyverse solution
+0.75 |
Ignoring values when using apply with mean
+1.14 |
How to calculate hours between two as.characters with the format &q...
+1.52 |
How to rename sub-elements of a list using lapply?
-0.56 |
Is it possible to remove variables with a certain pattern from a da...
-2.03 |
Transpose elements in a column into multiple columns by group in R
-1.10 |
Transforming a column of arrays to column of single values in R
+2.07 |
Find duplicated sequences in a melted timeseries dataframe
-1.95 |
Use Print( ) function to only show certain rows of a column in a da...
+0.40 |
Merge rows upwards, while missing values in cells of column
0.00 |
match values in 2 columns with the corresponding position in anothe...
+1.58 |
Mutate when function output has data in two columns (geosphere)
0.00 |
Joining character and numeric json elements in R
0.00 |
Using dplyr count number of special characters rowwise and mutate i...
+1.52 |
Error message in mutate function: no applicable method for 'mut...
0.00 |