Title |
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JAXB IllegalAnnotationExceptions
0.00 |
Is there a way to get the Jersey automatically generated plural ele...
0.00 |
JAXB empty element unmarshalling
0.00 |
Convert HashMap<String,List> into a JAXB Response
-0.15 |
How to marshall a Node or Document field?
0.00 |
Does JAXB provide an alternative to XMLBeans compileXsd?
0.00 |
Using MOXY's JAXB Implementation using annotations based + on the f...
0.00 |
JAXB Umarshaller error
+0.36 |
jaxb marshall to XML document
0.00 |
JAX WS, JAXB and Null elements with attributes
0.00 |
Jaxb: attribute fixed value in annotated class
0.00 |
JAXB Eclipse Link Moxy: ClassCastException while Unmarshalling JSON...
0.00 |
getElementsByTagName - failing inconsistently
0.00 |
Java Marshaller "input encoding"
-0.16 |
How to marshal Map into {key: value, key: value, ...} with MOXy
0.00 |
Jaxb: xsi got replaced with ns2 in the root element
-0.64 |
JAXB more then one possible root element
+0.36 |
How to set keys and values of a hashmap as tags and values of a xml...
-0.27 |
Should a web service response include empty values?
+0.36 |
JAXB how to handle inheritance
0.00 |
Marshalling Entities with xml inverse references involving a custom...
0.00 |
How to unmarshal a non-hierarchical relationship with Java's JAXB l...
0.00 |
MOXyJsonProvider bug when unmarshalling json array
0.00 |
Is there an alternative to use marshalling/unmarshalling?
-1.10 |
Is there an alternative to use marshalling/unmarshalling?
+0.40 |
Issue marshalling XML tags with IDRef when using MOXy
0.00 |
@XmlElement on a collection of attributes only element doesn't prin...
0.00 |
Jaxb throwing nullPointerException in sub classes
0.00 |
Is possible to make inheritance in this xml using jaxb?
+0.36 |
Unmarshalling a date from an XML file to XMLGregorianCalendar using...
0.00 |
Bind XSD element to List of items
0.00 |
xjc and XSD choice
0.00 |
Issue with the blank non mandatory date field in JAXB in SOAP UI
0.00 |
How to use inheritance in jaxb?
0.00 |
XML Annotation for Derived Value
0.00 |
Force JAXB to Interpret Empty Element as Null not Empty String
0.00 |
Partial unmarshalling with references
-0.27 |
How can i improve JaxB performance
0.00 |
Hide an entity variable from xml message - @XmlTransient not working
0.00 |
Take off namespace from Jaxb fields
0.00 |
how to define XSD for a XML with optional element
0.00 |
Marshall a List to XML works - but how to unmarshall?
0.00 |
JAXB dateTime format after XML generation
0.00 |
From many Attribute, I need to get one of them and print in xml Str...
-0.14 |
JAXB Use default namespace
-0.39 |
jaxb conversion unmarshalling find which objects are present in xml
0.00 |
AccessOrder for Properties in JAXB
-1.23 |
Marshalling List of Object without affecting existing list
0.00 |
JAXB - trying to marshall a java object from external jar
0.00 |
Using JAXB with JgraphX?
-0.14 |