Title |
Δ |
How to marshall non-string objects with JAXB and Spring
-0.15 |
JAXB parses XML child into null only the Attributes are set in the...
-0.29 |
Why do I get a "DOM Level 3 Not implemented" error at run...
+1.78 |
JAXB MOXy Binder issue when using @XmlAnyElement annotation
0.00 |
How to get a specific event/attribute content from an xml string vi...
-0.14 |
JAXBElement<Boolean> vs boolean
+0.35 |
JAXB library: there is no text content for the XML type associated...
0.00 |
JAXB, abstract classes, and multi-module projects
+1.44 |
JaxB Xpath : How to use multiple xpath to a same java bean?
0.00 |
Reg xml output in RestEasy
0.00 |
XmlAdapter Not Being Used in CXF
0.00 |
how to deal with multiple @XmlID in JAXB
-0.40 |
generating JAXB objects from XML
0.00 |
JSON response: Spring with JAXB
-0.14 |
Unmarhshalling a tricky CDATA element using JAXB
0.00 |
JAXB XmlElementRef lookup into entire classpath
0.00 |
Jaxb: Dealing with an optional element in rest webservice response
0.00 |
JAXB unmarshal has always null value for nested object
0.00 |
XML escape code
-0.48 |
How to deal with JAXB ComplexType with MixedContent data?
0.00 |
Can xjc -version be trusted?
0.00 |
Duplicate attributes generated in WSDL using @XmlMimeType() on CXF,...
0.00 |
How can I represent a Hierarchy of Objects in an XML Schema in a wa...
0.00 |
How to avoid encoding of <,>,& with Document.createTextNode
+1.90 |
Convert nil="true" to null during unmarshal operation
0.00 |
JAXB, Custom bindings, Adapter1.class and Joda-time
-0.28 |
Handle CDATA in JAXB
+1.60 |
XML to Java Objects
+0.41 |
Jaxb custom binding with eclipse
0.00 |
What's the difference of JAXP, JDOM, DOM4J,and XERCES?
-1.25 |
jersey text/html message body writer missing
0.00 |
declare proporder over extended class
0.00 |
JAXB 2 - Changes in between Java EE 5 and Java EE 6
0.00 |
Regular Expression or Library for validating the the Built in XSD t...
+0.39 |
How to avoid public int field from JAXB serialization?
-2.09 |
Creating an XML with Dynamic Tag names using JAXB
0.00 |
Getting Value of a tag along with subtags as a String using JAX-B o...
-0.21 |
Read XML with mixed child depth?
-0.86 |
XPDL - error generating JAXB classes
0.00 |
convert flat file records to xml in java
-1.08 |
JAXB in Netbeans: how to get Lists instead of vectors?
+1.18 |
JAXB dont want wrapping class
0.00 |
How to marshall a string using JAXB that sometimes contains XML con...
0.00 |
XML mapping attribute of nested element
-0.03 |
JAXB unmarshalling of "generic" real world documents
+1.51 |
jaxb Unmarshalling date
0.00 |
File blocked file after JAXB unmarshal error
0.00 |
IllegalAnnotationsException: Class has two properties of same name
0.00 |
Access attribute of internal element in the most simple way
+0.35 |
JavaFX2 with Restful Web Service
0.00 |