Title |
Δ |
ios- two singleton class with same name 'sharedObj'
+0.10 |
Corebluetooth not working when the phone is locked
-3.89 |
How do I persist a dictionary if the object is an item from a class...
0.00 |
How to print Custom Class in For In loop in Swift?
+3.77 |
Required initializers for a subclass of UIViewController
-3.30 |
set badge on tabbar item when notification received
0.00 |
pushNotification to another viewController only show when view is a...
+0.11 |
comparing NSString vs NSString * const (on iOS8.1) fails
-1.63 |
I get the same position of a UIButton inside a UIScrollView if I sc...
+3.91 |
Why is UIButton highlight area so small?
+0.14 |
IOS BLE scanForPeripheralsWithServices:options: on Background
0.00 |
core location not asking permission
-0.60 |
Develop Apple mobile application without submitting to Apple store
-3.80 |
NSDictionary literals position at run-time
0.00 |
Can not run app in xcode6.1 simulator
0.00 |
Missing argument for parameter #1 in call
-3.09 |
Search bar expand from Search button on iphone
-3.13 |
Get search bar in navigation bar in Swift
0.00 |
Swift Colour Switch Animation Over Period Of A Second
0.00 |
How Would One Get Values From A Class To Another Using Swift?
0.00 |
Request know their location after his deny it
-3.25 |
Xcode 6 Swift cannot input into textfield on scrollview
-2.17 |
iOS 8 Error when requesting Authorization
0.00 |
UIAlertView not calling
+3.84 |
Swap array values in Swift
0.00 |
How to show my App in setting Screen in iOS
-0.09 |
Understanding delegates in iOS programming
+1.79 |
Mutliple lines in title for UIAlertView
-0.21 |
nsdictionary to nsdata and nsdata to nsdictionary in swift
0.00 |
Passing variable From UIViewController to UIView
-4.22 |
How to save text into file from UITextView?
0.00 |
Table view cell deletion animation not working
-0.34 |
How to build static ios framework in xcode 6?
-0.04 |
How to change XCode Default storyboard Ipad to Iphone?
-0.03 |
stringByAddingPercentEscapesUsingEncoding(NSUTF8StringEncoding) ret...
+1.98 |
About change the 7 bit to a number and return that number in c++
-0.02 |
Load only visible cells in UITableView
+1.95 |
How do you assign function result to a var in Swft?
0.00 |
How to resolve type mismatch signed to unsigned in Objective C?
0.00 |
*911 ** help! Does Apple developer program require latest iphone fo...
0.00 |
App background - foreground states
0.00 |
How to change the status bar bgcolor for UITableView with hidden na...
-0.08 |
When the button in TableView cell pressed, how do I know the button...
+3.63 |
How to add image to multiple buttons
-3.90 |
Display custom UIImageView when table view cell is selected
0.00 |
duplicate peripherals appears on scanning using core bluetooth ios
0.00 |
iOS - Circle shaped gradient
0.00 |