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Title Δ
Protocol associated types and generics -0.54
How do I prevent taps on a subview from triggering a UITapGestureRe... -0.53
How can I do redraw the shape of my UIView and give it a shadow in... -0.02
Can't use ADLivelyTableView 0.00
Cannot create two CGPathAddArc on the same CGMutablePathRef +2.43
AFNetworking file downloading error Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain... 0.00
Cannot form weak reference to UIScrollView sub class (EXC_BAD_INSTR... -0.52
Adding a HeaderView to CollectionView when using custom FlowLayout... -0.02
How to set UIButton background color by state +0.47
Why does this UIScrollView not behave properly? -0.50
Self sizing cell with multiple labels does not show multiline label +0.15
Center align Labels and images inside UIView programatically with S... 0.00
How can I get failed URL from didFailProvisionalNavigation method 0.00
Adjusting a label in a subview for swift 0.00
How to resize an custom UIView from NIB inside of a UITableViewCell... 0.00
iOS 8 Autolayout - Dynamically Resizing 4 Square Views -1.58
CAGradientLayer is going out of frame of UILabel 0.00
Enabling/Disabling NSLayoutConstraints in InterfaceBuilder 0.00
Getting error with MFMailComposeViewControllerDelegate EXE_BAD_ACCE... -0.54
Searching an Array of Strings in Array of Dictionaries +0.79
MPMoviePlayerController: Not playing video +0.46
Barcode reader with scanning indicator -0.08
UIVibrancyEffect dimmed on device, vibrant in Simulator +1.11
Using Auto Layout to specify dynamic Notification Center widget hei... -1.60
Video in AVPlayer not changing size at same rate as player itself 0.00
How should a tab bar controller be integrated into a navigation con... -0.23
Swift: Multiple Inheritance from classes Error UIViewController and... -1.66
How to get SpeechKit and AVCaptureDevice to work with each other 0.00
automaticaly Move imageView on screen like L shape iOS -0.02
Element not showing up after UItableviewCell SubClass 0.00
ImagePickerController for iOS 0.00
Swift - Expected expression in list of expressions +0.48
Generating a Bezier Square in Multiple Steps 0.00
Is there a way to get YTPlayerView to play full screen on an iPad? 0.00
How to store multiple values for the same key in an NSDictionary, g... +0.49
How Do I Add UIViewController to UIScrollView in Swift 0.00
How to use a segue, programatically, in a UIViewController of a Pag... 0.00
Show a space below actions in UIAlertController 0.00
iOS Images, photokit, image orientation +0.47
Disable separator for a single cell -0.52
How to detect the touch point of iCarouselButtonDemo? 0.00
incompatible pointer types sending 'nsnumber *' to paramete... -0.28
messageComposeViewController didFinishWithResult delegate method no... 0.00
Sending email from the iOS sdk +0.47
Subview added but lost part of drawing? 0.00
Inactive/invalid connection passed when attempting to take a photo 0.00
How can I cancel Notification Center Visual Effect (iOS) for an spe... 0.00
NSUserDefaultsDidChangeNotification and Today Extensions 0.00
UIActivityViewController on iPad dismissing "modal view"... 0.00
How to convert response of AVAssetExportSession 0.00