Title |
Δ |
Select column without header after finding the correct header
+0.36 |
Spell Check within a cell and change color of misspelled words to red
0.00 |
How can I send excel file via email
-0.33 |
Calculate age average from age in month day format
-0.35 |
How can I use a Cell Value as a Named Range in VBA?
0.00 |
Pasting on the next row in another worksheet
0.00 |
Formula to Count the duplicates as one
+1.07 |
Excel If, If Then colour cell statement
+0.49 |
VBA Passing cells/range of cells to multiple subs
-1.85 |
Search Cell Value by Part, Replace Entire Cell Value
0.00 |
Determine category based on quarter and results
+1.64 |
IF Column F = TEXT THEN change Column G
-0.53 |
Loop to copy and paste if activecell is not 0
+0.26 |
Use a custom VBA function within a VBA sub
0.00 |
Loop to add blank lines that repeats until end of the Word document
+0.49 |
Adjust window size to set range without zoom
0.00 |
VBA that copies the next column
-2.05 |
Macro to change color of map (States)
0.00 |
Show current time (EST)
-0.16 |
Select first visible cell directly beneath the header of a filtered...
-1.77 |
Inserting a formula containing an ampersand into a cell
-0.93 |
Print a spreadsheet with no collating, two copies, landscape
0.00 |
Is there any way to run macros in background?
0.00 |
Using a string variable with FormulaR1C1 works unless it starts wit...
0.00 |
Insert formula with reference to active cell row
0.00 |
Select a range of cells, delete the empty ones, and then add border...
0.00 |
Loop Through Files
+1.16 |
Step -1 skips the loop altogether
0.00 |
How to disable Auto_Open after first save
+0.48 |
Find a string, take the data under it and enter it into another wor...
0.00 |
Create Query table based on cell value
0.00 |
Split Function using an Excel row as delimiter
-0.02 |
How to unprotect an Excel workbook
-1.67 |
How to sum client totals across subsidiaries when # of subsidiaries...
+0.47 |
VBA Copy data from one sheet to another, if cell is empty, go onto...
0.00 |
Access VBA not appending date properly in loop
-2.10 |
Excel VBA Page Breaks
0.00 |
Excel to word Align picture
-0.21 |
Excel VBA Error in Listbox populating and unpopulating
-0.02 |
How to run multiple continuous macros
0.00 |
VBA Breaking My Formula
0.00 |
Regularly printing to Adobe PDF from Excel, script to force PDFs to...
0.00 |
Trouble using a For loop for Target.Value2 property range
0.00 |
Comment Text to wrap to new row in Excel
0.00 |
Detect the last entry in a Column to search for a value within the...
-1.09 |
Loop To Move all Columns into One Column
+0.48 |
Using .Find in Word Causes Infinite Loop
+1.51 |
External range throwing error 400
0.00 |
Conditional Formatting using Date Comparison
+1.96 |
Passing Cell Values into a combo box list
+1.85 |