Title |
Δ |
Is this code safe enough for PHP session with "remember me&quo...
+0.43 |
what are the file permissions need for a file hosted on linux server?
-0.19 |
PHP: Simple recursive function into iterative function
-0.55 |
How can I tell of a HTML attribute exists or not, using Javascript
+1.23 |
Problem with PHP printing in drop down box
+0.43 |
RegExp for anything that is not a - or any word character
-0.12 |
forgot password to mysql database installed on windows, database is...
-0.07 |
Help with Javascript scope
-0.74 |
javascript quotes inside quotes, string literal issue
+0.16 |
Redirect to a .html if from some domain
0.00 |
Dynamically access an object property array element in PHP
-0.30 |
javascript array
+0.63 |
JavaScript Object/Array access question
-0.50 |
"sed" command in bash
-0.48 |
Where PHP "set_include_path" is effective?
0.00 |
how to change the html tags into html entities using PHP
-0.11 |
convert array into .txt file
+0.41 |
.htaccess, conflict in rules
0.00 |
PHP: I don't think I can re-compile PHP, what should I do to use th...
0.00 | works, localhost not - VH - Zend Ce, Mac
0.00 |
smarty get data from $globals
+0.43 |
Sporadic page load failure
0.00 |
How to replace Javascript of production website with local Javascri...
-0.95 |
CURL - cookies are stored where?
0.00 |
PHP 5.3: mysqli_multi_query and "commands out of sync" er...
0.00 |
PHP not including connection info, what's wrong?
-0.88 |
how the keyword “if” test the value true of false?
+0.17 |
Mysql utf8_unicode_ci multilanguage support
0.00 |
find id of element
+1.79 |
is this htacces or something else
+0.43 |
Getting the URL path to the directory of a file (PHP)
-0.32 |
Doesn't recognized my css, js, and so on
-1.04 |
.htaccess how to substitute urls
-1.48 |
How to create a share folder for multiple domains on Dreamhost
-0.04 |
mySQL show database for user
+1.95 |
Is CKeditor safe for letting end-users submit content?
0.00 |
How to assign file contents into a Javascript var
-0.22 |
How can I run a Perl script as root yet still affect user gconf set...
-0.78 |
Multiple Adsense ads on one website - avoiding SQL injections
0.00 |
How can I retrieve data from an array, 3 at a time?
+0.13 |
How to write javaScript function for this?
+0.41 |
Xampp / Lampp changing database dir (No datadir)
0.00 |
Security Manager vetoes action in Greasemonkey Script!
0.00 |
file permissions are changed through joomla
0.00 |
How do I get rows for last 24 hours by unixstamp
-1.52 |
making subfolder unrestricted while using .htpasswd in apache
0.00 |
How to block search engines from indexing all urls beginning with o...
0.00 |
Preg_Match_All: two values in a pattern
-2.07 |
Can I throw exception in a for loop , if memory exceeds in that loop
-0.08 |
working with active and hover links in css?
-0.29 |