Title |
Δ |
Write from R into template in excel while preserving formatting
0.00 |
Using mclapply, foreach, or something else in [r] to operate on an...
0.00 |
Creating a help file for a vector object
0.00 |
Writing robust R code: namespaces, masking and using the `::` opera...
-0.07 |
Why subset does not work with a vector name identical to a column n...
0.00 |
What's the difference between lapply and do.call in R?
+0.08 |
Express a string as a function in R
+1.08 |
Public and Private Slots in R?
0.00 |
Write a code to calculate scores from and add them to a data.frame
-0.01 |
How do I combine tapply with a function that includes replicate, sa...
0.00 |
R: round() can find object, sprintf() cannot, why?
-0.08 |
how to replace a single value in a file using R?
0.00 |
Multiplying Combinations of a list of lists in R
+0.82 |
R bins are percentages of column length
0.00 |
Extract most recent entry, under a certain condition
-0.79 |
How to find the distance between a value and the subsequent occurre...
0.00 |
assign a function in a loop
-1.17 |
Is it ok to use transform to add per row results of operation on da...
0.00 |
Dividing columns by colSums in R
+1.34 |
R: Construct a file path from user input
0.00 |
Count the number of valid observations (no NA) pairwise in a data f...
-2.72 |
Make nested loops more efficient?
+0.38 |
Coding principles in R - Looking for a book/web tutorial for writin...
0.00 |
Getting the minimum of the rows in a data frame
+0.28 |
seq() for POSIXct
+0.41 |
R help page as object
+0.31 |
R/ImageJ: Measuring shortest distance between points and curves
0.00 |
Is there an efficient way to parallelize mapply?
+0.41 |
Access atomic vectors shown by Filter(is.atomic, eq) in R
+0.75 |
Clever way to re-order the entry of this structured matrix in R?
+0.57 |
Using multicore in R to analyse GWAS data
0.00 |
R For Loop unable to store the data
-0.21 |
turning off case sensitivity in r
-0.21 |
How to delete columns in a dataset that have binomial variables
+0.92 |
Saving plot as pdf and simultaneously display it in the window (x11)
-0.19 |
Removing repeated obs data if n Obs < x in R
-0.21 |
How to manage multiple package locations (folders) in R?
+1.57 |
Subset of rows containing NA values in a chosen column of a data fr...
-0.47 |
How to factorize specific columns in a data.frame in R using apply
-1.86 |
replace diagonal elements in an array
+0.01 |
Two Factor ANOVA Errorbar plot in R
+0.85 |
Why does evaluating an expression in system.time() make variables a...
+0.33 |
Using one data.frame to update another
+0.25 |
Test if an argument of a function is set or not in R
+1.32 |
In R, how do I populate a matrix or data.frame which I do not know...
0.00 |
R: Generate variable names, evaluate a function within a list of fu...
0.00 |
matrix %in% matrix
+0.40 |
Why are R tables with 1 column accessed differently to those with m...
0.00 |
rpart package installation in R
0.00 |
Test for NA and select values based on result
0.00 |